Chapter Thirty

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Max's POV:

I barely remember the ride back to New Mexico. It's just a huge blur of colors and the sound of a car engine going nonstop.

Octavian constantly glances at me but stays silent the whole time. I don't bother to say anything. I don't have anything to say, anyways. Except a few Greek cuss words, but I decide to stay silent.

When we finally reach Dulce Base, after Octavian parks the car, the realization suddenly hits me.

Leo's gone. I'm most likely never going to see him again. Ever. No more hugs or kisses, or fiery warmth I don't feel even on the best days of summer.

My breathing turns shaky and I bite my lip to try to control it. I glance at Octavian and he doesn't seem to notice anything wrong.

"Can-Can I be alone for a second?" I ask him, praying that my voice isn't too shaky yet. He looks at me with a slightly worried expression and I try to clear my mind of the situation in case he tries to read my mind. After a second, he nods his head and gets out of the car, closing the door behind him. I don't hesitate. The moment he's far enough away from me, I start sobbing.

I think about everything I did with Leo; meeting him for the first time, talking with him on the Argo ll, accepting his necklace gift, confessing that I like him, our first kiss and leaving him, reuniting with him in Chicago, fighting beside him against the Mogs, falling in love with him all over again, talking to him after the truth serum, the boat ride in Lake Michigan, saving him from the skimmer and being experimented on, finally, finally becoming his official girlfriend, getting ripped apart from him after the explosion I made in Chicago literally five minutes after becoming his girlfriend, reuniting with him again, growing closer to him by the second, and now this. Telling him I have to leave and leaving him probably for forever. (Dear Evan Hansen anyone?)

Thinking about all of this, reliving all of these amazing and horrible memories, I sob uncontrollably. I scream in frustration and depression, in guilt and anger. I want the gods to hear me. I want those cowards to finally show up and help us.

Tears stream down my cheeks as Leo's face constantly pops into my head. I can't stop. I want the world itself to feel my wrath. I want it to feel every bad thing I've ever gone through.

No. I can't think that. I can't take my anger out on the world, or the people in it, including the gods. Because one day I might go too far and decide that they don't need my saving after all.

I take controlled, heavy breaths and wipe all my tears away the best I can. I look out the window and spot Octavian waiting for me by another car, far enough so he couldn't hear me. I'm still not sure if I should fully trust him, but I guess I'll give it a shot. He seems a lot nicer and more trustworthy, anyways.

Yeah, that's what you thought about Remo, look how that turned out.

Oh schist.

No, Octavian wouldn't do that. He said himself that he wasn't anything like Remo, and it didn't look like he was lying. I'm not sure what to believe, but it's worth a short if Octavian really is a better person, and if he isn't, I'll be ready.

I take another deep breath, check if my eyes don't give away that I was crying, and get out of the car. Octavian turns to me and gives me a small smile. I look down as he leads me to Dulce Base, glancing at me the whole time. Once we reach the doors, the two officers standing guard immediately step aside for us. I barely look at them as Octavian opens the door and steps away for me to enter. I glance up at him and he has a grim expression.

Uniting As The Ten- Part Two Of The Conclusion To The United SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now