Chapter 96

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Chapter Ninety Six

I fell asleep cradled in Sebastian's arms around eight in the morning after several hours of passionate lovemaking. My sleep, for once, was dreamless and untroubled to the point where I actually felt well-rested and content the next time I opened my eyes.

I saw Sebastian's alarm clock displaying the time, eight thirty at night, in a soft blue holographic spiral that drifted above the machine throwing it out. I yawned, tangled up in my own hair, and carefully shifted my body beneath the blankets and my boyfriend's massive arm to roll over.

I came face to face with him only a moment later.

His eyes were closed, face relaxed, sweat-slicked curly brown hair lying in a tangled mess around his face. His breathing was deep and even, lips parted slightly, the barest hint of his teeth poking through. For the longest time, I simply lay there and looked at his sleeping face.

Sebastian D'Agostino was a beautiful creature.

When I saw him like this, snuggled up against me in his most vulnerable state, it made my heart swell with emotion because it was obvious how far we'd both come. These moments, for me, were what made the world go round... the simplicity of lying in the same bed, of warming and holding each other in sleep, was one of my favorite things about being alive.

Before the world started to turn, before we had to wake up and do our own things, the two of us could share this closeness. Just him and I, together. I smiled and reached out, caressing his cheek with my fingers despite the throbbing in my splinted wrist.

His growing facial hair was a sign that he took my opinions seriously.

Ever since the night I'd told him about my thoughts on his beard, he hadn't shaved.

"I love you," I whispered, leaning forward and pressing the lightest of kisses against his lips before pulling back and snuggling close to his hot, sweat-slicked stomach; his breathing changed and he inhaled deeply, adjusting his head against the pillow slightly. His heavy arm lightened, big hand drifting down across my back to cup my butt, kneading my well-loved flesh.

I shivered when his lips quirked, eyes squeaking open to reveal dark shine. His irises were dim, relaxed and languid and perfectly at ease.

"You're awake," he said simply, raspy and guttural with sleep. "Time?"

"Early in the evening, a little past eight," I supplied, lifting my leg and wrapping it around his massive hip; I pulled myself closer to him, the heat of our flesh intensifying wondrously. He let out a quiet sound, not quite a grunt and not quite a murmur, before kissing my nose. 

"Waking up to you is like falling asleep," he grumbled, running his hands along my back and trailing the love-bites he'd left all over my skin. "I always wonder if I'm dreaming, if its real... but the best part, the best feeling, comes to me when I touch you... because it hits me, always, that I am no longer alone. I have not... been this happy... ever, I think."

I smiled. "I'm happy that you're happy... let's be happy together."

He looked at me, sleep-dazed, eyes still dark beneath the fringe of those chocolate lashes.

He leaned close to me, then, gripping my hair and using it to pull my head back. I shivered as my throat was exposed, closing my eyes against the feeling of him leaning into me, of the way he slid his leg through both of mine and wrapped me up, hot lips instantly finding my jugular.

He nibbled my skin, tasted it, and soothed it with burning kisses and plenty of tongue.

"Once everything has been settled," he muttered against my flesh, "and we find out what we need to know about these vampire attacks, I'll take the required course of action to fix the fucking problem. Once I do, you will be my primary focus. I want to make you my priority."

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