Chapter 78

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Chapter Seventy Eight

Everything was dark. Infinite blackness that stretched on and on, an endless void of sheer nothingness that terrified and disoriented me. I couldn't think.

Couldn't breathe.

"Help me..."

The voice was soft, weak, broken. It echoed. Where was I? Who was calling for help? Why could I not see anything?

It terrified me that those questions had only just occurred to me. They should have been foremost in my mind.

"Help me..."

Who was calling me? Who needed help? Where were they? Where was I?

The questions kept chasing each other through my mind as the panic rose.

"Help me, someone... please..."

Just as suddenly as it had arrived, the darkness vanished, leaving me blinded. Confusion flooded me when I found myself standing in the middle of a dance club. The strobe lights were flashing, brilliant and beautiful and full of life, but the building was completely empty.

Dance clubs were never completely empty.

Something was wrong.

This was wrong.

I turned, heart racing, wanting to find the front door.

I shouldn't be here.

Something was very, very wrong.

I turned, but every movement was slow... and when I finished I saw a long hallway with a black door at the end. The club was gone, the flashing lights were gone, instead there was an old, stained brown carpet and peeling yellowed paisley wallpaper.

I stood still, staring at the dark door with horror in my heart, making me want to panic and run in the opposite direction, but the hallway... it stretched. My pulse pounded in sheer terror as the door loomed at me, closing the distance, and I could only stand there completely frozen.


I saw flashes, and then, there was... something... but what was it? What were those flashes?

What was happening?

The visions swum and blurred, metal... ripping metal, clinking metal, shredding metal... crying, I heard crying, and saw something white, but brilliant blue... the eyes. I knew those eyes. I felt my stomach twist until I thought I would vomit, wanting to cry out to those unblinking eyes.

I heard tinkling music... a familiar song, as I looked at those wide, dead eyes streaming tears.


Tears... the eyes were crying?

No... they were crying... they'd been crying... but now they couldn't.

I suddenly saw lips loom out of the dark, slowly taking form beneath the crying eyes, followed by a familiar nose. My pulse skipped, stuttered, and I wanted to stop... all of a sudden I didn't want to see that face, to know it, to remember it, even though I still didn't really know why.

I didn't want to remember those crying eyes, the eyes I used to know.

I would have screamed and backed up, but I couldn't.

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