Chapter 170

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Author's note: Sorry about the delay. I'm... sick again. So, yeah. There's that. Good news is, I'm medicated! And my overall health is actually quite a bit better than it was around this time last year! I'll be getting sick on and off for quite a while yet, but my doctors have told me that the future is bright and I have a ton of hope. I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Chapter One Hundred and Seventy

I was in a void, hovering like a butterfly trapped in a spiderweb, swirling and slowly spinning.

I was loose, free, comfortable and safe. Arms were around me, sheltering me, and two figures slowly began to take shape, pulsing blue. Feng-Feng and Anurak were holding me between them, a hug so warm and familiar that it made me feel a little confused.

I could see nothing of myself, all I could do was feel their warmth, their protection, encircling me, making me stronger... giving me strength.

"Hello, Sweet Child," Feng-Feng greeted, and the muzzle of a dragon brushed what I thought was my face even though it vibrated differently. I realized, then, that they weren't holding me with human arms, or holding me at all. Their bodies were curled around me like giant anacondas, two massive heads lying on one another as they lay wrapped around me, walls of fur and scale and protection.

'Feng-Feng?' I wanted to ask, but no sound left my lips.

It didn't matter, though, because as if they could hear me Anurak let loose a low rumble.

"Fear not," he said in a voice that wasn't a voice; a massive head lowered in front of me, pulsing blue eyes staring me down and pulling me into them. "We are guarding you."

I was concerned by what they would be guarding me from.

"No need to be afraid, La," Feng-Feng soothed, and a breath like ice rushed across me, making my consciousness vibrate with energy and life and warmth. "Even in your dreams, Mama Feng-Feng is here. We not too far, la... we close to home, just in case."

"Interesting," a third voice suddenly said, and both dragons immediately raised their heads as a figure made of blinding light began to approach. "What is it about this creature's future that compelled the two of you to give him your breath? To give him unlimited power over fate?"

"Chi," Anurak noted, lowering his head and returning to look at me. "We have been expecting this for some time. My mate and I witnessed your arrival."

"You guard him even in his sleep, giving him the strength of your ancestors," the figure of light said in a beautiful, hypnotic voice that made me feel safe and loved. "You attached your souls to him... but for what reason would you do that to a creature that will only self destruct in the end?"

Neither dragon answered his question but both turned their heads and looked at him in absolute silence.

I was confused and a little alarmed, but Feng-Feng's wide muzzle turned and she pressed it against my cheek. A wave of calmness rushed through me at the touch, keeping me level-headed and sleepy.

I relaxed, lulled, wrapped in the coils of their bodies.

"Ah..." Chi murmured. "So it is something you cannot yet speak of. I understand. I do not intend to interfere, my old friends, I was simply curious since this is quite unlike you. This creature must be very special indeed for both of you to have made such a drastic decision."

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