Chapter 92

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Chapter Ninety Two

Horst was waiting for me just inside the mansion's huge front doors when I finally hobbled my way up the porch steps and pushed them open. I was admittedly getting a bit dizzy and was holding a hand against the gash on my head to staunch the flow of blood.

He noticed immediately, however, and guilt flooded his tear-bloated features.

"Do you want me to heal it?" he asked in a small voice, and I looked at him gently. "I'm sorry... I saw Jak coming at you and... I just, I didn't think. I didn't mean to--"

"Shh," I hushed, wrapping my free arm around his broad torso and steering him out of the wood-floored entry hall and towards the grey-carpeted corridor leading to the kitchen beyond. "It was an accident on your part and you did it trying to save my life."

"Why are you so fuckin' nice to me?" he grumpily sniffed, ears still hanging limply. 

"We're back to the needing a reason," I countered, rolling my eyes. "I try to be as polite and respectful to people as I can be, okay? It's just how I am... stop questioning it. Jeez." 


"It's nothing to be sorry for," I sighed, patting his arm as I turned the corner leading to the kitchen and the ballroom; I jumped when both of us unexpectedly walked into a hulking form that was already waiting for us with folded arms. "Oh... uh..."

I swallowed hard and slowly raised my eyes to see Sebastian looking down at me.

His jaw was clenched, and his eyes were shining white with a tinge of yellow.

I cringed slightly when he extended his hand and gripped my wrist, tugging it off my head and pulling it down. I saw Horst trembling in actual fear and he shrank back, moving somewhat behind me, which didn't go unnoticed since those searing eyes flitted to him for a second.

I was confused when they came back to me without any sort of interest in him.

"Bash," I tried to say, but he immediately shook his head, face warping, so I snapped my mouth closed and simply stood there while he pushed my blood-soaked hair out of my face and leaned down to look at the cut I'd been given. His lip curled in fury before those eyes looked at the pink lines of the bite on my shoulder, and he sighed heavily through his nose.

Without a word, he leaned forward and kissed me on the lips before lifting his mouth and licking my forehead, gently pulling me away from Horst as he did so and wrapping two gentle arms around me. I flinched at the sting that shot through my scalp, letting out an involuntary hiss.

His tongue was soothing, though, and I relaxed in his arms.

Feeling his grip on me... knowing that I was safe, that he was here, that it was over... well, it was in that moment that the emotions I'd been holding back came bubbling up and I started crying, but when he heard it or smelled it, I didn't know which--maybe both--he froze and pulled back to look at me blankly.

Those blinding eyes flitted across my face intensely as my expression broke, mouth quivering.

The sight of them blurred as the tears spilled over and I started to shake and hiccup.

His face darkened and he growled, leaning close and gently kissing my tears.

"I am so proud of you," he hissed, licking my tears away and pulling me into a hug that squeezed the air out of my lungs. "I saw everything, Beloved... what you did... you are brave. Strong. The audacity that fucker had... I was ready to bust through the damn window and wring his neck when he raised his hand against you, but the way you stood your ground... fuck."

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