Chapter 90

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Authors note: still sick. Ugh. Bronchitis is a beast of a germ. On another note, 90 fucking chapters with over a thousand reads each?

I know I'm old, but can I say yeet? 💓


Chapter Ninety

To say I freaked out when I heard that whisper in my ear would have been an understatement.

I'll be frank.

I lost. My fucking. MIND.

"Get off me!" I screeched, whipping my hands up to grip the fingers squeezing me, but my hands passed through nothing and I froze, staring into space. I whirled around, looking at the trees, shivering violently with my hands shaking and my hair standing on end. "W-what the f-fuck?"

I stood there, breathing hard, frantically looking around, increasingly fearful since I saw nothing.

What the fuck was that?! I mentally whimpered, feeling like I was gonna cry. What the hell?!

"U-uh... are you... okay?" Horst asked, and when I turned I could see he was spooked.

"No," I said, shaking my head seriously; I touched my throat. "I don't know..."

"Ooookay, wanna tell me why you screamed at nobody to get off you?" he drawled, raising his hands in a 'don't kill me' way when I stared him down. "I'm serious."

"You... really didn't see anyone behind me?" I asked, prickles running up my spine. "Nobody was there?"

"Uh, no," he said, confused. "Should I have seen someone?"

"I have no idea, but someone was just touching me!" I said, frantically rubbing my arms to erase the sensation of those hands traveling up my limbs to my neck. "I... I felt hands on my neck, felt like someone was suddenly behind me, and I heard a voice, too..."

"A... a voice?" he chuckled, nodding slowly. "Okay, what did it say?"

"'Peekaboo. Guess who.'" I repeated, cringing internally with a shudder. "I swear to God this isn't a coincidence... maybe I should talk to Sebastian."


"Weird things have been happening to me lately," I told him honestly, and although I didn't know why I was confiding to a kid and a total stranger to boot, it felt okay. "I'm actually staying at Woody's cabin right now since I'm taking my relationship with Bash slow, but I've been having nightmares almost every single night and... even though I can't remember them, I still feel when I wake up sometimes that I wasn't alone while I was sleeping. Like something was with me."

"Ew, are you serious?" he asked, making a face. "That's some horror-movie-level shit."

"Ya think?" I snorted, letting out a reluctant laugh. "Seriously, though, on the night of the full moon I woke up alone... and while I was doing my own thing, a perimeter alarm went off in Woody's room but nobody was there. Sebastian was outside guarding the place and he didn't see anyone as far as I know. He told me that there was nothing to be afraid of."

"I don't think there is, either," Horst deadpanned, and I stared at him. "I mean, aren't you vampires supposed to be these badass nightmarish creatures that can level buildings and walk through walls and shit?"

My blood ran cold and I stared at him with huge eyes.

"Walk through walls?!" I cried, stunned. "Wait, vampires can do that?!"

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