Chapter One

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The winds billowed against the slight-framed, bespectacled young man as he stared into the open sea. The crisp early morning breeze kissed Harry's cheek, and caressed his body, leaving him with rosy-tinged. His eyes closed, the last Potter could only breathe in and take the onslaught, calming himself in the process.

This was his last year at Durmstrang, his final year until he starts paving his way into the Wizarding world. At a young age, his godfather, Sirius Black, had constantly reminded him of the burdens his lightning-shaped scar carried in the world. Where his very name was spoken in admiration by most, and cursed by few. It was the reason why he was taken away by Sirius in the first place, leaving behind Magical Britain in the hopes of a normal childhood far away.

In the end, Sirius Black landed himself in Switzerland, and used a modest apartment owned by the Blacks as their home away from home. Looking back, Harry could not blame Sirius' actions, and while they had let Peter Pettigrew escape, Harry knew that his godfather and honourary uncle Remus will not rest until they have skewered the rat for his betrayal. For now, Sirius and Remus were focused on grooming Harry to be the next Potter of Potters, and to take his inheritance back in Britain.

This summer was supposed to be his crash course into the ins-and-outs of Wizarding Britain, and what it meant to take his place as Lord Potter. Sirius had been very adamant about teaching him the common courtesies of the social elite. Once heir, now Lord Black himself, these lessons were drilled into Sirius the moment he was born, and made him the most suitable to tutor him in that regard. Remus, however, tackled Harry's continuing education, mostly dueling and transfiguration. Both men were committed to Harry's well-being, and he was eternally grateful for them.

The sound of incoming footsteps shook Harry from his reverie. He could hear a slight shuffle, and quickly, on instinct, spun around and flicked his wand to create a Protego shield. Just in time as a huge fountain of water splashed against the hastily erected shield.

"Good, your reflexes are getting better."

"All thanks to you, Remus," Harry smiled, tucking his wand back into this wrist holster.

Remus shook his head, before taking a few steps and joining Harry on the balcony. Their current safehouse was located somewhere in the coast of Italian Peninsula, and was heavily warded, owing to the paranoia of the Blacks. It became a refuge every summer once Harry started his Durmstrang education, and was perfect for the dueling and other spell training he underwent during the holidays.

Turning towards Harry, Remus couldn't help himself but smile proudly. James and Lily's son had grown to be a good man, and a very talented wizard. He himself was very impressed by the progress Harry had made once he started learning about magic, with Transfiguration as his most endeared subject. Following in James' footsteps, Harry was unnaturally talented in the art of Transfiguration, and facilitated in his Animagus training very well during his fifth year at Durmstrang. However, his studious nature could only be attributed to his mother, Lily Potter.

A long silence ensued, and was broken by Harry rubbing his scar with a wince.

Remus' face turned dark, "The nightmares again?"

Nodding, Harry sighed, "Yeah. They're becoming more vivid, and-"

"Harry, please tell me you've been practicing Occlumency? You know it's the only way we can stop these visions from visiting you every night."

"I have tried, and I have erected mental barriers every single night. But sometimes..."

Remus saw the hesitation, and urged, "We need to know what's happening, Harry, so we can better protect you."

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