Chapter Five

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Dear Harry,

I'm glad to hear that you're taking your studies more seriously, especially with your apprenticeship as a battle mage! You're right that it'll be quite the challenge, but it will all be worth it in the end. I myself will be applying for a Charms apprenticeship soon, but it seems my professor would like to see what I'm capable first, before she would accept me. Charms is such a competitive field with a lot of people trying to get into that I will need to stand out this year!

You were right, by the way. I asked my papa about the Tri-Wizard Tournament, and while he was reluctant to tell me anything, I was able to at least have him give me some of the details. I can't believe I'll spend my last year at Hogwarts this year! I will definitely miss Beauxbatons, especially since it is my last year, as I'm sure you will miss Durmstrang. I'm excited that we get to see each other so soon, though! You'll have to let me meet some of your friends, they seem to be an exciting bunch from all the stories you've shared about them.

Amelie and Zoe are becoming a handful this summer, and they've not left my side since after the incident. I think they feel guilty for not being there with me, especially since they both declined my papa's two extra tickets for them. They're just happy I'm safe, and they are quite adamant about meeting you as well. They're both quite energetic, so they'll be a handful when they finally meet you, just be careful!

I can't believe it's almost the end of summer for us. I'm very excited about going back and finally finishing my education. Seven years of school and finally it's coming to an end, are you excited? With the Tri-Wizard tournament in the horizon, are you thinking of competing? It might be a good way to challenge yourself, but with the dangers that I have read about it, i'm not too eager with competing myself.

Anyways, I'm writing this to you before I leave for Beauxbatons. So it might take awhile for me to send you a reply once I get to school! I hope you have a safe journey to Durmstrang!

With Love,

Fleur Delacour

Harry tucked the letter into his suitcase, vowing to write a reply as soon as he can. He had a total of five minutes before the portkey to the train station for Durmstrang left. Looking around his bedroom for the last sixteen years of his life, he could not help but feel a little emotional. This medium sized bedroom had housed a young Harry, eager to learn magic, to a now seventeen year-old Harry going for his last year of education. Coming back next year, he will be a fully educated wizard, someone who aims to make strides in the magical community. In fact, he might not even come back to this room for a long time, since he had planned on staying in Magical Britain for a few years, solidifying his family's position once more in the Wizengamot, as well as settling his family's affairs with Gringotts. This room had housed a budding wizard, and now he was ready to spread his wings.

"Ready, pup?" Sirius asked, his head peeking through a small crack of the bedroom door. Sirius Black was not a sentimental man, but watching his best friend's son grow had been one of the best experiences he had in his lifetime. Harry might as well have been his own son, and he can definitely say without a doubt that he was proud of the young man he turned out to be.

Harry nodded, placing his suitcase on the ground and started rolling it behind him as he made his way out of them room. He made sure to double check the mental list he had for items he might've forgotten. The last being Fleur's letter, which he made sure to take with him, as well as any other letters she had sent the past two weeks. They had kept in contact regularly, and Harry could not help but savour each moment when Fleur's replies arrived. They had become fast friends, and while Harry's teenage hormones repeatedly told him to ask her out, he had stayed his hand. They were friends, good friends at this point, but he had other things he needed to worry about, one of which might be a rising Dark Lord.

The Serpent of Durmstrang // A Harry Potter FanFictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin