Chapter Twelve

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Viktor had almost fainted, wondering if everything that has happened so far had been a dream. With the exams happening throughout the past week, he had been very busy with studying from dawn until dusk. Everyone else had been in the same position, except for Harry. While Harry position was enviable, Viktor would rather take a week of exams than put his life in the line for a tournament.

As he watched Hermione slowly descend from the Hogwarts staircase, her hair done in a very intricate design, while wearing a beautiful gown that was periwinkle blue. Her smile lit up Viktor's world, and he could not take his eyes off of hers.

Hermione smiled widely as Viktor finally took her hand. She had been his constant companion in the Hogwarts library, and had surprised her with how much his work ethic seemed to permeate into his school work. It rivaled hers, and she had been quite intimidated. As time passed by, however, both found common ground especially when it came to subjects both of them found challenging. In the end, Viktor had asked her to the Yule Ball, and she quickly said yes.

Viktor led her towards his friends, and could see that Aleksander had Kassandra's hand in his, while Alanna was being escorted by a Ravenclaw named Roger Davis.

"Hermione!" Alanna smiled after recognizing the bookworm, "you look beautiful!"

Hermione smiled shyly, "You look beautiful as well, and you too, Kassandra."

Kassandra smiled at Viktor's date, "I wasn't sure how purple would look on me, but it seems to have worked out well."

"You always look beautiful, Kass," Aleksandra grinned, before being smacked lightly by a blushing Kassandra.

Roger seemed to have been stunned silent, slightly intimidated by the Durmstrang students, especially Viktor Krum. He had initially wanted to ask Fleur Delacour to the Yule Ball, but after spying the French witch hand-in-hand with Potter, he had resorted to asking Alanna. The French witch from Durmstrang had been amiable, and now here he was.

Hermione glanced at Roger and have him a nod, "Roger Davis right?"

"Ravenclaw, we share some classes but you tend to keep to yourself," Roger nodded, remembering the bushy-haired girl always in the front of the class. She was not much of a looker then, but it seems he was wrong to judge seeing her now.

"So, how did this happen?" Hermione turned towards Aleksander and Kassandra, who were both blushing heavily, "last time I saw you both, Kassandra was not having Aleks' antics."

"Well, you see..." Aleksander started, but was cut off by a laughing Viktor.

"Aleksander here promised to stop bugging her for a month, if she went to the ball with him,"

Kassandra snorted, "Yeah right, he already broke that promise this morning."

"I don't see you reneging on your date though," Alanna pointed out, to the embarrassment of Kassandra, who was still holding Aleksander's hand tightly.

A commotion started near the Hogwarts double doors, and everyone seemed to be glancing towards that direction. The group of Durmstrang students, with two Hogwarts ones, weren't the exception, and also strained to see what was going on.

"It that Harry?" Hermione exclaimed, getting a view of the raven-haired Durmstrang champion, who seemed to be in the middle of the commotion, "wait, that's Fleur with him!"

"Ah," Aleksander sighed, "I guess we now know why there'd be a commotion there."

"What do you mean?"

Kassandra took over, elbowing Aleksander who was trying to see if he could get a glimpse of Fleur, "Fleur is a quarter Veela, and with this setting, you can figure out what happened."

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