Chapter Seven

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The Beauxbatons carriage landed not so lightly as they finally arrives at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. From what Fleur could see from the small window just beside the front door, the weather was, as expected, cloudy. The students that were a part of the delegation for the Tri-Wizard tournament were warned about this, and they all made sure to bring weather appropriate clothes. That didn't mean they had to like it.

Fleur stood behind everybody in her group. She had woken up late, and had to rush a quick brunch before they were scheduled to land. Madame Maxime was quite vexed at her, and her friends Amelie and Zoe did help her case either. Instead of defending her, they had ratted her out by telling the Headmistress about her constant all-nighters reading textbooks on charms. Fleur knew they were only trying to help, but the Headmistress was strict on curfew, and therefore she now had detention tonight.

"Cheer up, Fleur," Amelia nudged her friend, trying to lighten the mood, "I saw the Headmistress' face soften, so she just might take it easy on you tonight!"

Fleur forced a smile, albeit a tired one. Amelie was always very positive, about anything and everything at all. While it irked Fleur sometimes, especially during Finals, she enjoyed the ray of sunshine from the girl. Sadly, Zoe was the opposite.

"Or she'll make you scrub her toes!"

"Shut up, Zoe."

"Make me."

Fleur sighed, and stuck her tongue out childishly at Zoe, who did the same. Zoe was snarky, and very annoying when she wanted to be. In fact, Fleur was not sure as to how they had become friends at all, best friends in fact. Yet, she knew that Zoe grounded them all, and made sure they all saw the reality versus what they envisioned reality should be. From what Fleur knew, this attitude came from her upbringing, something Zoe still would not share with them.

"How's your charms reading, by the way?" Zoe asked, glancing at Fleur, "are the books from my family's library helping you at all?"

Fleur nodded happily, "Yes! They've been quite helpful. You'll have to thank your parents for me for lending the book."

Zoe blushed bright-red at that, and softly whispered, "I kinda smuggled the book out of the house."


"Well, my parents would never lend it to you, and I turned seventeen last month. So when I finally was able to cross the wards of our family library, I took a few books that I thought would help you with this apprenticeship."

Fleur's mind ran a thousand miles. Taking a book from the family library was a no-no, especially with pureblood families. Old families, especially ones like Zoe's tended to keep ancient tomes passed down from the previous generations in secret, harbouring and treasuring them from the public. What Zoe did could potentially backfire on her, especially when her parents find out.

"You have to return them, Zoe," Fleur argued, "it's not mine to read!"

Zoe laughed loudly, garnering some curious stares by the people in front of the line, "Do you think I care about that? Fleur, you're my friend, and I want you to get this apprenticeship. I'm an adult now, so it doesn't matter what my family thinks, feels, or does."

Fleur was not sure what to say. The dark-haired girl in front of her, eyes filled with conviction, never backed down when she decided on something. She was truly grateful for having friends like Zoe and Amelie, who would stick their necks out for their own, and Fleur would do so for them as well in a heartbeat.

"Thank you," Fleur whispered, before giving Zoe a hug, which was reciprocated.

Just as Amelie was about to say something, Madame Maxime coughed and stood up from her single-seater reclining couch that was situated just beside one of the windows near the front door. While the carriage might seem small on the outside, the inside was enchanted to be large enough to house twenty-four students, plus teachers and house elves. The layout resembled a corridor, with each room dedicated to either an office and classroom, the kitchen, dining room, and finally the bedrooms of every student and staff. It was a magnificent piece of work, and was the pride and joy of Beauxbatons.

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