six: impulses

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thank you guys so much for 200 reads! i love writing this story and i'm so happy people are reading it :) i hope you enjoy the chapter!


"Peter, I almost called the police!"

"I know, Aunt May, I'm sorry. I lost track of time—"

"Lost track of time?! You were gone for almost 24 hours!"

"I had to help MJ deal with... Personal issues. Please don't be mad."

"How could I not be mad?!"

"I don't know. But, if you're going to ground me, or yell at me, please just do it. I can't tell you I regret what I did, because it wouldn't be true."

May seems to calm down. "What did you do?"

Peter looks down at his shoes. "We drank alcohol."

She lets out a small laugh. "Oh, Jesus. I thought you got yourselves in trouble."

"Wait— You're not mad?"

"Peter... I was a teenager once, too. I know what it feels like to want to impress someone you like. Just... Don't make a habit of it."

"Aunt May, I don't like— Wait. Does this mean I'm not grounded?"

"Not by a long shot. You lied to me, you didn't even answer your phone or come home! I mean, what if you had gotten kidnapped, or mugged, or lost? Where did you even sleep last night?"

"MJ's car. It was perfectly safe, we weren't driving or anything."

"Peter, this is so unlike you. Was it her idea?"

"No. It was mine. She actually told me it was a bad idea, and I was being irresponsible. But I pressured her, and it was my fault." Peter lies. He's not quite sure why, but then he realized it's probably because him and May are the only two people in the world right now who don't hate MJ. And he doesn't want to make that number lower than it has to be.

"I think you should call her parents and apologize for keeping her out all night."

"That's... Probably not the best option." Peter sits May down at the kitchen table and tells her the story about MJ's parents and how he had to punch her stepdad just to get him off of her. May doesn't say anything, she just nods along, seeming to pay attention to every single tiny detail, trying to find a lie. When she doesn't, she stands.

"That's awful. She's welcome to stay here, if she needs a place."

"No, she said she doesn't want to. I think she just needs a little space before committing to anything right now."

"Well, alright. I'm mad you lied to me, but you were doing a good thing, for the most part, and I'm proud of you for that."

Peter gives May a soft smile, before retreating to his room, and after showering and brushing his teeth, instantly flopping down on his bed. He feels like he's never felt anything more soft in his entire existence, and he's asleep soon, his only sign of life being the soft snores escaping from his lips.


A repetitive knock on his window wakes him up from what he felt like was the deepest sleep he's ever had. Peter groans, rolling completely over until he's facing the window. MJ's eyes meet his, and he lets out a yelp. She's sitting on the fire escape outside his window. Scrambling to let her inside, she hops through with ease.

"What the—"

"I changed my mind. I would like to stay here, if it's still an option."

"Well, of course it's still an option, but—"

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