eleven: promises

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hi everyone, thank you guys so much for reading and i hope you like this chapter <3


"You promised me you weren't going to die, Peter. You promised."

MJ's voice sounded like a whisper at first, but soon everything became deafeningly loud in Peter's ears, especially the ringing.

He felt his hand being squeezed, so he squeezed back. He didn't open his eyes, because of how heavy they felt, but he said the first thing that popped into his head. "Hey."

"I hate you. Seriously. Oh my god, Peter, you seriously suck. Do you know how scared I was? That you weren't gonna make it? If you had died, it would have been my fault. I was the one trapped in that stupid basement."

Peter opens his eyes, prepared to squint, but he finds that MJ had already turned the light off. It was dark in the room, with only a little light shining through the closed curtain. He was in a bed, with a bunch of machines next to him. He could see his heartbeat on one of the screens. "How long have I been out?" He asks, glancing over to MJ.

Her eyes were swollen, as if she'd been crying. "Just a few hours. You're so lucky, Peter. They said if I hadn't tied my shirt around your arm you probably would have died."

Peter pushes himself upright. "You saved my life. Thank you."

MJ scoffs. "Don't thank me. You saved my life first. And I'd be really mad if the only person I felt something for died for me." She then leans over and kisses him, catching him completely off guard.

"I thought you hated me." Peter teases.

"I do, I'm just really glad you're alive. But listen, we definitely don't have long."

"What do you mean?"

"I told the hospital that your name is Jonathan Miller, and you were shot by a car driving by. Lucky for us, they completed a blood transfusion and got you all stitched up before you woke up, so they didn't have to use any anesthesia. Otherwise you'd be out all night."

"You lied to the hospital? Isn't that a crime?That's probably a crime."

"Like we haven't already broken the law this weekend," MJ rolls her eyes, "How do you feel? Can you stand?"

"Um, probably." Peter slides his way out of the hospital bed.

"Thank god," MJ sighs, gesturing to his clothes, "You might wanna get dressed. I washed your shirt, and stuff, so it's not drenched in blood."

"How nice." Peter doesn't even wait until MJ turns around again to peel off his on his hospital clothes, causing her face to turn pink.

"Don't you want me to like, turn away?"

"You can if you want. I don't care."

She hesitates, before turning. Peter laughs as he slips on his clothes. "Do you have my backpack?" He asks.

"Yeah, I got it right here. Don't worry, everything is still inside." MJ responds, holding up the bag.

Peter finishes getting dressed and comes up behind her, gently taking it out of her hands and throwing it over his shoulder. "Thanks."

"Sure. We should probably get out of here now," MJ suggests, turning towards the door.

"Wait— You know we have to talk about earlier, right?"

"Yeah, I know. But that doesn't make me want to." She turns back around.

"Did you mean it? When you told me you were falling in love with me?"

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