Ch. 5

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"Hey mom!" Sadie called out and walked over to her. She wrapped her arm around her moms shoulders and leaned down so her mom could kiss her cheek. Aunt Laura was shorter than I had expected where as both Skye and Sadie where nearly six feet tall like me she was only about five feet tall. Sadie stepped around her and disappeared inside, followed by Andrea who gave Aunt Laura a quick hug. "Go on chicken little," Ryan whispered in my ear. I turned and was about to smack him but thought better of it and glanced at my Aunt.

"Come on," Skye said and grabbed me by the arm she dragged me towards the door and her waiting mother. "Hey mom," Skye said. She loosened her grip on my arm and I thought she was going to let me go but instead she shoved me towards her mom. I stumbled and almost feel but Aunt Laura quickly reached out and steadied me. "Me and Sadie brought you a gift," Skye said and duck past us.

"Thank you, girls," Aunt Laura called into the house with a smile. I heard both Sadie and Skye start laughing. "We better go in or dinner will get cold," she said. I nodded and walked past her into the house. The walls were painted a pale peach that made it feel homey. The hallway wasn't long and had a couple doorways leading off into different rooms at the far back of the hall were stairs that lead to the bedrooms probably. I could smell the dinner off to my left and followed my nose to the dinning room table. Ryan and Aunt Laura followed behind me as I took in the house. On the table there were to chicken, a bowl of steamed carrots and another bowl of red skinned potatoes. I sat down in an empty seat next to Skye trying to look like I was perfectly comfortable.

"So how did you manage to get her to come?" Aunt Laura asked. She picked up a plate and started filling it up with food before handing it to Andrea and started on the next one. "Saved her from getting in a fight with Aspen," Sadie said. Aunt Laura shot a disapproving look at me as she handed me my plate of food. "Really, you not even back two days and with no memories you pick up right were you left off with Ember's sister?" Aunt Laura asked. I almost choked on my chicken. "Ember's sister?" I asked. "Yes," four different voices replied. "That....thing is related to Ember and Carson?" I asked just to clarify. "Yes" they all replied again.

"She's not a thing Kylie, she's a person and your best friends older sister," Aunt Laura lectured. "Um..." I started but she kept going. "I know you may not remember that Ember's your best friend but she does and no matter what happens it won't change that, so from now on you could at least try and keep that in mind," I nodded not quite sure what else to do I mean she did have a fair point.

Diner was enjoyable after that even Andrea didn't send so many murderous glares my way and when she did they weren't as cold as before.

We were halfway through dinner when the door opened and than slammed shut rattling the house walls. "Savannah! You're late!" Aunt Laura called. A girl about thirteen or fourteen walked into the room, she grabbed a drum stick off the table and bit into it. She was dressed in all black and her blonde hair had streaks of dark red running through them. A guitar case was hanging off her left shoulder.

"Opps," she replied around the chicken. Aunt Laura looked pissed as she took in her youngest daughter. "Go upstairs and clean yourself up than come back down and eat with us properly," Aunt Laura ordered. "Why your all almost done anyway," she said and tossed the cleaned chicken boon back on the table. Savannah turned to leave. I'm not sure why but my hand snaked out and grabbed her wrist before she left.

"Let go," she said and tugged at her arm. I stood up and turned to face her. I wasn't sure what exactly I was doing but I couldn't seem to stop. "Hey let go!" She said tugging at her wrist, "seriously Kye stop messing with me," she growled.


It were her words that did it suddenly I wasn't in the dinning room anymore but in the forest. Behind me I could hear the twigs snap as my little cousin tried to chase after me. I was watching her for Aunt Laura while she took Sadie and Skye into town for a soccer game and Uncle Levi was on patrol and wouldn't be home for the rest of the week.

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