The Other Uncle

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AN: See bottom for author note after reading. I don't want to spoil anything. I do want to appologize for how short this is.

'Where was she?'

Harry was on the Quidditch field getting ready for the match. But there was one problem. His aunt wasn't there. She never missed a game, especially not after he fell off his broom. She told him once that she wanted to always be there to catch him. But she wasn't. Something was wrong. He could feel it.

'Maybe it's just nerves,' he thought. He clutch his father's necklace, a nervous habit he had started ever since Christmas Day. It made him feel safer, as if his father was watching over him and protecting him when he wore it. He had just finished reassuring himself that his aunt was just running late, when Minerva McGonagall ran on to the pitch with a giant purple megaphone, "Attention students and faculty! The match is canceled."

Everyone in the stands groaned in unison. Oliver Wood ran to her and shouted his protest but his words faded when he saw tears in her eyes. Something was definitely wrong.

The head of the Gryffindor house continued, "All students are to make their way back to the house common rooms, where the Heads of Houses will give them further instructions." She lowered the megaphones and beckoned Harry to her. The young wizard was confused. Normally his aunt would be rounding up the Gryffindors and bringing them to the common room or running down to ask the Professor what was going on. Minerva looked at him with pity, "Potter, I think you'd best come with me..."

He felt anger boil inside him. Surely, they couldn't honestly still think him a suspect! He was on the field! Everyone could see him. His anger deflated when she asked Ron to come too. He was confused now. Why would they need Ron?

Their Professor led them up the marble steps, but they weren't led to Dumbledore's office. They were led to the infirmary. The cat-like woman turned to them, "This will come as a bit of a shock. There has been another attack...another double attack." Harry froze when he saw who was on the bed. The cot was across the room but he could see his aunt's curly red hair a mile away. He couldn't breathe.

He ran to her bed and fell to his knees with tears in his eyes as he drank in the sight of his aunt's pale face with an expression of fear he had rarely seen her have.

Ron looked at the teacher coldly, "Now do you guys still think he's a suspect?" Minerva shook her head sadly, "No, Mr. Weasley. For what it's worth, I knew Harry would never do something so horrible." Ron gasped when he saw the bed next to Anna, "Harry, Hermione is here too!" Harry couldn't believe it. It was like some terrible dream. It was his worst fear realized.

The Professor coughed, "I'll take you two back to your common room. I need to address the students in any case." Harry squeezed his aunt's ice cold hands and whispered, "I'll stop this. I promise."

-With Snape-

It was his fault. He should've been watching out for his best friend. He was such a fool to believe that the heir would leave Anna alone. He should be in the Slytheirn Common room, lecturing his students to stay out of the halls. That would be useless, though. None of the Slytheirns would be attacked, that much was obvious.

He sighed from where he sat in the infirmary. He knew what he had to do. He knew what Anna would want him to do. He picked up a quill and parchment and sat down to write a letter.

-With Remus-

Remus had just come home from the store. Most of what he bought was for Anna's next visit. His wife really had a talent for cooking. He smiled dreamily. She was great at everything, really, in his eyes anyways. And anything she was bad at wasn't good enough for her to master. He didn't even have time to put up the groceries when there was a tapping on the window. He turned to see a raven with a message tied to it. Remus opened the window and frowned as he read the unsigned message. Red was petrified?

The Other Aunt (A Harry Potter fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz