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It had been 3 weeks since the incident with Dasani and he was still in a coma till this day

Cassidy has called his family members since she didn't want them left out of the situation she didn't tell them that she was the one who shot him because no matter what they wouldn't care if it was an accident or not all they would focus on was the fact that she shot him and put him there

They were currently down here and most of them was living in Dasani house which she knew he wouldn't of liked , it wasn't her idea to let them stay there it was jayceons

Her brother Izzy even came down here and he was living with her of course

All Cassidy could do was think about her shooting him and watching him fall down in fear

The scene was replaying back to back in her head it was like it was on replay even when she wasn't thinking about it she was

It was hunting her she couldn't even sleep due to the fact that it was all she dreamt about all night

She looked a hot mess she only spent her days in her bed and at the hospital , she barely even went to the hospital because his aunt had turned most of the people in his family against her

Her aunt claimed that Cassidy was no good for him and set him up to get shot , which obviously wasn't the case at all

So she would only go when they weren't there but they were always there which gave her only a little amount of time to visit him

Aaliyah had came down also she still talked to Cassidy but it wasn't how it use to be , Aaliyah was starting to believe her mom lies and looked at Cassidy a little different and Cassidy knew it so she really didn't talk to her

Only people she had at this moment was jayceon, her brother and ace. Ace was one of Dave's right hand mans which made them two get alone since he was close to Dave

Trina knee what was going on and she has yet to bring his daughter up here to see him or even call to check on him his self

Right now jayceon , Izzy and ace were sitting in her living room smoking weed and watching tv.

Camille and her was in her room watching tv. Camille has been real helpful these past weeks and when Cassidy was down she found a way to make her smile or laugh

Camille was becoming the sister Cassidy always wanted and she trusted her 100%

"Girl don't go down them steps!!" Camille laughed yelling at the dumb girl on tv

"Uh uh Camille don't start all that yelling my head hurt"Cassidy said rubbing her head

"And you know why your head hurt" Camille paused the tv looking at her as Cassidy looked away avoiding eye contact

"Because you haven't eaten in days" "matter of fact get up now" she demanded

"No I don't want to"

"No you have to , as a friend I can't watch you starve yourself to death any longer , I heard your stomach growl earlier, now get up for I have the guys literally get you up "

Groaning she slung the covers off of her getting up stomping to the kitchen like a child

All the guys head snapped towards her "girl you better act like you got some since I'm here stomping and shit" ace said taking a pull from his blunt

Giving him the finger she pulled out a strawberry eating it looking at Camille

"Eat one more" she said crossing her arms watching her

Rolling her eyes she grabbed another one out about to eat it until the strawberry before came pouring up her mouth making her cover it up running to the bathroom with Camille and all three guys behind her

"You okay sis" jayceon said holding her hair back

"Nigga that ain't yo sister that's my sister" Izzy mugged him pushing him out the way grabbing her hair "You okay sis?" He said making jayceon smack his lips

"This nigga" he mumbled as Cassidy got up but not before letting more liquid pour out her mouth into the toilet

"I feel terrible" she cried grabbing a paper towel wiping her mouth rinsing it out with mouth wash

"You wanna go to the doctor" ace suggested eating some life savers

"No I'm fine it's just because I haven't been eating like that and my body doesn't want to adjust it , I'll be fine I'm just going to go to sleep , I'll try again later Camille but for now I need to get some rest"

Nodding her head Camille rubbed her back and watched her walk to her room

Ace and Izzy left the bathroom as jayceon and Camille stood in there

"She's going through a lot and it's starting to take a toll on her body , I'm starting to worry about her"

"She'll be fine she just needs time right now"

Nodding her head she left out of the bathroom going into the guest bedroom laying down

"God please help my friend get through this battle she's going through"  she said before closing her eyes shifting to sleep

An hour in a half later everyone in the house was sleep

Cassidy took this as a time to leave and go visit Dasani

She requested an tuber since she didn't have the energy to drive

She arrived at the hospital 15 minutes later greeting the receptionist going to Dasani's room

When she got there she noticed his aunt cookie and his cousin Sammy where here

Walking up towards them her shoes could be heard squeaking against the floor since it was wet and raining outside

Both of there heads turned towards her as she approached them

Instead of cookie yelling at her and cussing her out she just gave Cassidy a hard long glare before putting her shades on walking away

Sammy stayed leaning against the wall staring at Cassidy

"He always was there for me through the most , he was always the person I'd go to with my problems, nigga was the only person I was real close with. If I was in his situation I wouldn't want him shutting someone I loved out and treating her like shit" he said looking at Dasani

"I apologize for my family they real hypocritical you probably taking this harder than anybody , but I got faith that he gone wake up" he said giving her a light smile before leaving

Walking inside the room Cassidy sat on the side of him grabbing his hand

"Dasani I need you to wake up, I'm tired I'm so tired" she sighed as a tear ran down her face "I cannot loose you , I've lost so many people and I can't let you end up on that list with them" she said taking a deep breath leaning her head down

"I'm so tired of crying it's like for the past week all I've done was cried and cried I feel like I'm crying my life away , I feel so horrible it's like every day I'm losing myself"

"I've cried so much that I can't even remember the last time I smiled like a real smile not a forced smile or a real laugh" she paused wiping her face

"I'm trying to surround myself with people who make it happy but it's like no matter how hard I try to be normal and enjoy there company I'm thinking about what happened"

"It's literally hunting me Dave I can't talk to nobody about this and I'm about to explode"

"I'm just tired of everything, I wish you would wake up and tell me everything's gonna be okay" she whispered laying her head on his chest listening to his heart beat slowly falling asleep

And that was the first time in weeks she'd actually slept good

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