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Looking in the mirror she lifted up her neck and roamed her hands against the bruises on her skin. Tears slid down her face as She examined her body

She couldn't believe She allowed herself  to go through this after She watched her mother go through the same thing and swore up and down She'd  never be that girl. Quickly wiping her tears She got herself together

Walking to her room she laid across her bed looking up at the ceiling "god please help me through this , help me give my baby the life I never had even if I have to do this alone"

After Camille told her dad about her being pregnant things got out of control and he beat her ass almost to death

He was so angry with her getting pregnant by some man that wasn't even with her that he couldn't control himself from beating the shit out of her

Camille knew he was gonna be mad but she didn't think he'd be that mad to put his hands on her

turning over on her side she stared at the wall as tears started to pour from her eyes. Wiping  them she closed her eyes

"stop that fucking crying, that shit makes you weak" his words ran through her mind as She got herself together soon drifting off to sleep

In the middle of the night her stomach had started hurting. Placing her hand where her dad kicked her at she felt something wet on my hand. Looking at it blood was all over the place "no no no no no no" she said trying to get up but a strong pain came across her stomach "ughh" she groaned grabbing her phone calling 911


"I never realized till now how fine Michael b Jordan was until now" Cassidy said as her and Dasani watched creed II

"Man shutup for real" Dasani said pushing her head off of his shoulder

Laughing Cassidy looked at him "really sani you just gonna push my head like that?" She said surprised looking at him

Shrugging his shoulders he continued to watch the movie "you really gon y'all about how fine another nigga is infront of my face?"

Shaking her head she placed her head back on his shoulder "it's true tho" she mumbled thinking he didn't hear but he did

"I could say the same about ole girl" he said trying to make her jealous but it didn't work one bit

"Nigga please" she smacked her lips

"Next week needa come on a nigga ready to vacate"

"Relatable" Cassidy agreed nodding her head as her phone began ringing

"Ughhh who could be calling me this fucking late" she said picking up her phone to see an unknown number

Rolling her eyes she declined the call laying back down

"I'm sleepy" she said turning on her side shifting into sleep but couldn't because her phone kept ringing

"Oh my god" she groaned swiping to answer

"Hello"she said lowly wiping her eyes yawning

"Cassidy I had a miscarriage" Camille cried through the phone as she sat in the hospital bed

"Oh my, where are you?"she said in shock covering her mouth giving her full attention

"Hospital"she spoke sniffing

"I'm on my way"she said hanging up getting out of the bed throwing some clothes on

"Dasani I have to go to the hospital for Camille, can you stay here and watch the kids" she said putting on her jacket and grabbing her keys

"Yeah I got it" he said turning over going back to sleep

Leaving out of the house she locked the door behind her heading to her car

20 minutes later she arrived at the hospital

"What room is Camille irish in? She asked the lady at the front desk

It took a couple of minutes for the receptionist to find the room

"1123" she said as Cassidy made her way to the room immediately

Walking in the room Cassidy gasped at the image infront of her

Camille face was bruised up and her lip was busted

"Mille what happened" her voice croaked at the sight of Camille's face

Sniffling Camille shook her head as tears ran down her face " it doesn't matter , nothing matters anymore" she started wiping her eyes "the one thing that I had hope in died today all because of a mad man" she cried cupping her face with her hands

"Do you want me to call jayceon and tell him the news?" She offered

"Fuck him , he never cared anyways" Camille said sighing wiping the rest of her tears

"Maybe this happened for a reason cas, maybe bigger and better things are coming my way all" she said hoping that it was true

"Maybe So Camille , stay strong so we can witness it together"

"Thank you for being here for me" she lightly smiled "as you can see I have no one else "

"Well you have me, forever"

Short chapter

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