Chapter 22

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Jungkook's P.O.V.
Oh no. This is already terrible enough, Jimin's wife is dead, Yoongi's turn into a gold digger psycho who abuses their own child, why does it have to continue?!

It seemed like everyone felt the same way, as most of them groaned and or looked disappointed.

"So, around the same time, after everything seemed to be okay, as the kids got help to get over what their mother did to them, and they moved back to their house. Then, well, I guess you're kind of aware of the fact that V is....not so ordinary. She was always like this. Odd, special however you want to call her. Jungkook, adored her for it. He never got mad for the trouble she caused, he never scolded her, he was never ashamed of her. He always stood up for her, and was proud of her, and never cared about how weird she was. He always tolerated it, on the other hand, he's wife didn't.....

"Are you kidding me?! Why is there always trouble with the wives?! I swear to god, this can't be real...."Seokjin explodes.

"We know. We lived through it." Chang-nim sobs out.

"She was always ashamed of her. Instead of thinking of her as a genius, she thought she was a freak. She was afraid of her. We have not mentioned, but Jungkook has an older daughter. Sadly, she was like her mom. We never got along with her. One day, one of Vanechka's experiment went wrong. Two rooms caught on fire. The living room and the other girls room. That's when the wife showed who she really was. She was furious, she said disgusting things about V and Jungkook. Jungkook tried to calm her down, and get her back to her senses, but it was no use. They fixed the house, but the fights never stopped. Something nobody knew, was that she was trying to get rid of V since she was kid. She told Jungkook to send her to "abroad schools", "camps" and "boarding schools". The truth was that she was lying to Jungkook. Those places were insane asylums, and other dangerous places where they put crazy people to "get fixed". But he never knew that's what they really were, until a couple of days after the experiment went wrong. He was furios, he fought with her every time they saw each other. She was threatning to call "doctors" who'll "help" her, if he doesn't agree to put her in an insane asylum. It got to the point where Jungkook stopped going home, and spent the nights at Yoongi's instead. When he cooled down a bit, he realized he left V there, so he went back home. Only to see his wife, burning all of V's belongings that she used for her experiments. He took her and moved in to Yoongi's house. He got a divorce as quick as possible, and moved back into his house with V. The other daughter went with their mother, as she thought the same way of V and Jungkook. Although Jungkook tried to keep in contact with her, as she was still his daughter, she refused to talk to him after he stood up for V.

"But something that's important is that her mother's words effected her badly. She already had a problem, everyone said the same bad things about her wherever she went. She was always handled as the "weirdo" the "outcast". She was already bullied a lot. Thank god Ae-ri's brother beat the bully up who tried to physically hurt her."

"He still has a scar on his neck from that fight. It was bad, but he managed to protect her."

"Everyone always hated her for being different, as they said it. So when her own mother turned against her, it kind of broke her. So never mention this to her. Ever."

"It's the worst thing you can do."

I was shocked. And so were the others.

"So that's why Yoongi and Jungkook and their family is so close in the future." Chang-nim concludes.

Silence. Everyone feels so depressed. How could this happen in the future? How could it go this wrong? I'm so happy that I never let my wife send her away. And Yoongi's kids.....what they gone through us terrible. Let's not even mention how Jimin's daughters don't even have a mother.

"So the future isn't that great after all."Namjoon finally says.

"No. Why, did you think it'd be perfect?" Ae-ri.

"You sure do made it look like perfect." her father answers.

"What do you mean?" she asks confused.

"Well, you guys are all great kids. So it felt like the future will be as perfect as you."

The girls smile at that.

"It's fine, you get over it somehow. The future will hold a lot of amazing things for you seven, thankfully, more good things then bad." she smiles.

Then Hwan comes in.

"Hey I'm hungry. Dad, food. Now please." his voice is deep, and the look on his face shows he's back to his normal, woken up self.

"Which dad?" all seven ask in union.

"What do you mean which dad? I have one dad." he looks at us confused.

"Well you called me daddy, and the girls said you look at me like your second dad." Jungkook explains.

"Ohhhh right, so that's what you mean. I totally forgot you look way too young now. You look like you could be my brother, rather than my dad, so it confused me. Nevertheless, I want Yoongi dad to make food. You once told us a story how you sucked at cooking before you learned how to do it properly at the age of 25, so I'm not trying that thank you."

Everybody bursts out laughing. The depressed mood that was caused by the bad things awaiting for us, leaving our bodies.

Our kids?!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz