Chapter 27

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Author's P.O.V.
" all started when, I'm not sure, about a 2 weeks ago, maybe more. I ran into V in the local library. That's pretty normal, but she was reading really odd books. Even odd for her. So I asked her what was she doing, and she got uneasy. She told me she was just found those books intresting, but it felt like she wasn't telling me something. Which has never happened before, so I knew If I''d kept asking she wouldn't tell me. So I went back into the library after she left, and checked the books she was reading. They were all super old, it was a miracle that they I could still read them. I didn't understand what they were about, but there was one thing in common in all of them: time. They were either about time, or somehow connected to it. So I went to the Jeons house to confront her about it, and I saw that there was a mess in her 'work place'. Way bigger than normal. There were papers and random things, and machines everywhere. I asked her what was she doing, but she didn't want to tell me. I kept bugging her about it for a couple of days until she confessed that she doesn't know. Obviusly I didn't understand her. She said she's just experimenting, and that I shouldn't worry. I didn't really believe her. Good thing that I didn't, as a day later Yun-a came into my room, dragging a very upset Hwan with her. She told me that V TRULY didn't know what she was doing, and how dangerous it was. That's about all the information we managed to get out of Hwan. Me and V started to get into fights, like daily."

"Yup, we noticed that." Hui-seon nods.

"Right, but she didn't give more information, just the same thing. Then one day, she was close to finishing whatever she was doing. She had no idea about what she was making tho. Now I guess we found out that it was some sort of time machine. After we got here, I woke up in a club a bit further away from Seoul. When I found out about the whole we're back in time thing, I got here as fast as I could, to try and find dad, or anyone else who could help. And now I ran into you." he finishes.

"That's everything that you know?" Namjoon asks.


We were at the house about the time the conversation ended. We got out of the car and went in. The kids came out, as they heard us arrive.

"Kwang!" the two girls squeal at the same time, while they give him welcomimg hugs. Hwan smiles at him and Kwang pulls him into a hug.

"Hi buddy."

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