Chapter 23

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Jungkook's P.O.V.
We decided that we were all hungry, so Seokjin started preparing dinner. The girls occupied Hoseok's room, so Hoseok was watching anime with Jimin and Taehyung. Namjoon was doing something in his room. He probably uses his free time to think alone right now. I can understand that.

Yoongi and Hwan were sitting next to each other in the living room. I wanted to join them, but I wasn't sure if they were having a father-son bonding session. I didn't want to interlude.

Fortunetly Yoongi locked eyes with me and waved me over.

"Hi hyung, Hwan." I bow to them.

Hwan pulls me down so I sit on the other side of him.

"What do you want to do, 'til dinner's ready?" Yoongi asks him.

"How about we watch a movie?" I suggest.

"Oh can we watch one of my favourites?" he asks excitedly.

"Sure what is it?" I ask him while turning on the TV.

"A series of unfortunate events! Violett is so much like V, and even their names starts with the same letter! How crazy! I watched this with her thousands of times!......" he keeps jabbering about how much he loves this movie, while I put the movie on. Once it starts to play he tells us to be quiet, because he doesn't want to miss anything. How cute.

He takes my hand in his, interwining our fingers. Then he lays himself down in Yoongi's lap, taking his hand in his free hand, and smiling up at him. I can't help, but smile at the sight. I can't even look away.

I thought I had everything, but it looks like the best is yet to come. I can't wait for the future.

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