Chapter 37

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Jungkook POV
Byeol was the one to start sharing his story."I woke up in an old apartment and I was really confused. I only realised yesterday that something was very off, when I saw the commercial of the meet and greet. Once I spotted Hui-Seon I knew I had to go there. I'm sorry to say I haven't met or heard anything about anyone since I came here. But...."he cleared his throat nervously."....I don't want to sound crazy or anything, but I've been feeling watched over the past few might because of the craziness of all this, but I know I've seen this one man three different times following might've been a coincidence, I don't really know...."

"Hmm that's really not good." Ae-ri thinks out loud.

"Okay, but who would follow us and why?" Chang-nim asks the question everyone has been thinking.

"Well....." Hwan starts anxiously fidgeting with his sleeve.

"Hwan." Kwang looks at him seriously."If you know important information TELL us. It's crucial."

"I know, I know....but this isn't information like's just a guess more than anything really.....I-I think someone, or more like something, like a secret organisation knows about time travel. Because who else would've written that book that obviously showed V how to time travel. And I don't think they're happy about us doing it, because we figured out their secret. They're probably furious right now."

"I think he has a point." Namjoon says. "It would make sense, I mean the book, whatever was written in there, it had to be written by someone who knew how to do it, because it wouldn't have made any sense. And I don't know about you, but if I had a life changing secret like that, I'd be more than furious to find out that a little girl figured it out."

"Alright so, let's agree on that Hwan's theory is true, and we'll be more careful in case anyone is looking for us." Ae-ri looks around to check that everyone is agreeing. "Okay, who wants to continue?"

"Well V tried to contact me, and secretly tell me to come here. But other then that, I have nothing."

"Wait, how did she contact you? Did you guys talk?"

"I tried to call her, and this monotone voice kept repeating the coordinates to this house."

"Weird, that's the same thing that happened to Yun-a." Yun-a nods.

"That's what I tried too, and the same thing happened."

"Yeah but other things happened with you, didn't?" Ae-ri says, hinting for her to share her story with us.

"Well, when I, how should I say, arrived here I was with Yoonseok." Kwang seemed to get even more interested in the her story now."We were together until he said that I have to go find you"she looks up at us"and contact him if I did. He didn't tell me what he was going to do. Even though I wanted to stay with him, he said it's going to get too dangerous and it's better if I come here. I listened to him of course, and when I found out about the meeting I knew I had to go there."

"I hate my brother." Chang-nim states.

"No you don't." Ae-ri laughs.

"Yeah but I'm still upset with him right now! He knew he had to come here, but he went off to god knows where, instead of following whatever plan V has! And let's not even mention that he left Yun-a alone, when she clearly felt safe with him! What a dumbass!"

"Hey, don't talk about your brother like that!" the dad came out of Taehyung.

"Hold on you said he told you to contact him when you're safe. How will you do that? Can we talk with him?" Ryung hopefully asks.

"We made an email address, in an electronics store. He said that I should only use it in an emergency, and use codes incase anyone is trying to find us."

"Great! Then we just have to ask him what he's doing in some kind of a code language, we can do that right?" suddenly all heads turn to Hwan and some to Hui.

"Yeah we can." they say in union.

"Thank god you hang out with V all the time, you learned some useful tricks from her." Kwang smiles reassuringly.

"Didn't we all tho?" Ae-ri asks, and after the whole day of stress and surprises, the kids finally smile.

"Well who's hungry?" Hoseok hyung asks.

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