Chapter 25

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Darius was behind Rush, equally offended, though the man showed it better on his form

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Darius was behind Rush, equally offended, though the man showed it better on his form. Taller by a bit and with a rigid threatening stance, there was more of condescension on his face with an upward tilt on his chain and simmering red eyes.

"You took what belonged to my house by rights of blood compensation," Darius spoke first coldly to Torin, and her uncle paled.

"Am I to assume our truce has been annulled, Nothing?" Rush asked Caelan, but Caelan shook his head.

"As long as you plan to honor your end, I am no danger to you. You have to support peace." Caelan spoke carefully, and Rush nodded.

"There will be peace, as long as you do not break the agreement regarding Meredith Aurion. She belongs to me." There was silence between them all for a moment as no one had the ability to say that she was effectively dead. "I can overlook your mages seizing her from my control, as I assume you did away with Vincent, per your agreement. If he were alive, you would not be, so he is dead. Return Meredith to me, and we will depart."

"You're a sick piece of shit!" Torin spat, but Rush only titled his head from the aggression. "Meredith fought harder than any of us against Vincent, and she paid for that. If you demand to take her corpse back with you, you will have to take mine as well. I will not cede the body of my daughter to some monsters for their purposes."

"Corpse?" Leave it to Rush to not be fazed by her death. It looked as if Torin had just said the sky was blue and moved on with conversation.

Did she mean anything to this stoic bastard?

"Meredith Aurion perished last night in her fight with Vincent," Caelan said. "All we can return to you is her cold body, Remus Shade. I ask you to have enough decency to allow her to remain with her family for burial."

Rush chuckled.

It was so unusual for her to hear such a thing that she was flabbergasted looking on him. What about this was even remotely funny? It caused Torin to fume in silent rage, but Caelan was looking on him inquisitively. They had spent enough time together that he understood Rush at least enough to know he wasn't a completely soulless bastard.

Maybe... Mer honestly wasn't sure.

"Unless she is in pieces, I assure you Meredith Aurion is not dead. I would also advise you not bury her. It will be very awkward for her when she wakes. Forgive me laughing at your despair, mage. I do find it entertaining, considering how worked up she gets, imagining her waking in a box underground."

Rush would think that was funny.

"Meredith is cold as a rock and not breathing. Her heartbeat has stilled, and she has no brain activity. Tell me, what more can you constitute as death, Remus Shade?" Caelan was at least rational, if not a little antagonistic in his response.

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