chapter forty-nine

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8 months later

I scream in pain, my whole body ached in pain. "Now, the baby is about to be born, you're sure you don't want to contact the father?" The nurse asks one more time.

"The condom broke, he's nineteen I'm eighteen, he's a sperm donor that's it! I'm not telling him!" I yell as another contraction hits.

"Okay, go ahead and give a big push for me." The doctor asks.

There was a nice nurse holding my leg, because I didn't have any family to hold it for me.

I push with all my might, sweat starts to beat from my forehead. "Good job, sweetie! The head is almost out!" She cheers me on.

"Don't close your eyes! You wanna see this!" The doctor reminds me.

I open my eyes to see my baby coming out of my vagina. The head was out now, and I could see her beautiful face.

"Good job, Karissa. You can do this, get the shoulders out." The nurse tells me.

I yell as I push for a while, and I can feel the baby pop out of my quite literally. The feet slide out and the doctor lays her right on my chest. I cry of happiness, she was so beautiful.

"Great job, Karissa. Now do you want to cut the chord?" I nod and hold my baby in one arm and the other I clip the weird tube that was helping my girl to breath.

I feel bad, because he liked me and I liked him, and I stopped calling, but his condom literally broke and although I didn't think I'd get pregnant, but after our second date I went home and through up dinner, and found out I was pregnant.

Kai Corbett is the father, but my baby is getting my last name, not the sperm donor's.

Kennedy Karissa Jones.

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