Chapter 1

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Jasmine's POV





"Jasmine Sarma!"

I groaned.

"Wake up this instant or else I'll throw water on you."

I didn't respond. She'll eventually go away.

My assumption was short lived as I felt myself getting drenched in ice cold water. I shrieked and jumped out of the bed, falling on the ground.

I looked up and saw my bestfriend crackling up like a hyena. I saw red and lunged forward at her.

"You. Don't. Just. Do. That." I growled.

"Come on Jas. You weren't going to get your lazy ass out of that bed if I hadn't done that. You should thank me." Violet ended with a smug look on her face.

I flipped her the bird and rushed to the washroom. I took a quick shower. Coming out, I dressed myself in a pair of skinny jeans and halter top. I didn't have much time to do anything with my hair so I just pulled it up into a high ponytail. Grabbing my bag and my phone, I ran to the kitchen. I read Mom's note on the kitchen island. She was once again out on an emergency. I sighed. No wonder Violet got the upper hand today. I grabbed a protein bar and ran outside to get into Violet's car.

The ride to school was silent. I was thankful for that. I was still pissed off at Violet and it would take me much more time to cool down. Once we reached there, I got out and purposefully slammed the door a bit too hard. I could hear her cursing at me and felt contented.

I reached my locker and took a look at my timetable. History, English, AP Biology.......

"Good morning babe."

I momentarily closed my eyes and gathered the courage I would need to talk to the person addressing me. I turned around and came face to face with the blue eyed monster.

"Good morning Jasper." I smiled sweetly at him. He smirked as if he had accomplished a great task. Asshole.

"Was there anything I could do for you?" I asked. I just wanted this conversation to end.

Jasper came and pulled me towards him with one arm around my waist. I shuddered with disgust at the touch. I tried pulling back but he had a death grip. I sighed. Better play along.

"There's football practice today after school. Wanna join in the bleachers to cheer for me?" Jasper whispered in my ear and tucked a hair that had fallen out of my ponytail behind my ear.

Let me get some things straight. Jasper Brown was the biggest douchebag the world has ever seen. He's the player of our school and the jock, not to mention captain of the football team. Cliche much?

And for some reason this guy has been after me for the last 2 years, since sophomore year. I just didn't get why. He was a player and had all the girls lining after him. Then why couldn't he just let me go?

"Why don't you take your girlfriend...what was her name? Lisa?" I asked.

"I only have eyes for you, love."

I internally rolled my eyes at his choosed cliche lines.

"Sorry Jasper, but I've to get back home before 4. Mom's having a dinner party so I need to help her."

Saying that I finally pulled myself out of his grasp (it wasn't easy let me tell you) and ran towards my first class. I heard Jasper's voice behind me calling my name but I chose to ignore it. That guy can go fuck himself.

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