Chapter 43

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                             4 years later

Jasmine's POV

"Let's have sex."

I threw the first thing that caught my hand and was satisfied when it landed right on his head.

"Ouch! That hurt." He whined, rubbing the area which was turning red now.

I smirked. "Good. Should remind you not to say such things again. We're at work."

He pouted and plopped himself on the couch beside me. I ignored him and continued typing on my laptop. I was trying hard to concentrate but it was difficult with him breathing down my neck. I shut the laptop close and looked at him, narrowing my eyes. He merely grinned.

"What? Don't you have anything productive to do?" I asked, exasperated.

He shrugged. "Nope. I'm bored. And horny. That's why I'm saying let's have sex."

I blinked and looked at him. I mean, actually looked at him.

"You're gay Alex."

This time he smirked. "I'm bisexual sweetheart."

I gaped at him. "B-but you said you were gay!"

"Nope. You assumed I am gay because I've mostly dated men. Well I prefer men over women. That doesn't mean I don't like the company of women." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

I simply rolled my eyes."Okay enough. Get back to work. I have lots of projects lined up and Lexie took the day off. So I've to handle everything. So shoo. Out, out."

He jumped off the couch as I shooed him away with the pillow.

"God woman! I'm going, I'm going." Saying this, he rushed out of my office as I laughed after him.

I got back to work and time flew away. I didn't even realise it was 5 already until Bailey called me.

"Are you coming to babysit Jas tonight?"

Shit! I forgot about it!

"You forgot, didn't you?" Bailey's patronising voice rang through the speaker of my phone and I hit my head on the desk.

"I'm so sorry Bails. I'll be there in 30 minutes top."

She hanged up warning me to reach on time and I rushed out of the office as fast as I could. I drove to her home and reached under 25 minutes.

"Finally!" Bailey said and shook her head as soon as she opened the door. I grinned at her and pulled her in for a hug.

"I missed you too Bails." I hugged her tight, basking in the familiar feeling of her sisterly warmth.

She hugged me back and kissed my head.

"Now get inside. This little monster has been asking for you ever since she found out you're coming."

I ran past her inside the house and looked around.

"Jasmine! I'm here!"

Little sounds of pitter patter came from the hallway and suddenly a tiny human being came running and jumped into my arms.

"Aunt J! Aunt J! I miss you!" Little Jasmine shrieked and lunged her tiny arms around my neck. I pulled her away and kissed her cheeks. Her blue eyes shone brightly at me. For a moment, I cringed.

It scares me sometimes just how much Jasmine looks like Hunter. Her blue eyes and wild dark curls reminds me of the monster from my past. But this beautiful soul in my arms is nothing like her biological father. She's an angel.

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