Chapter 41

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Chris's POV

The 2 hours I spent outside the OR were the longest 2 hours of my life.

As soon as Jasmine was brought into the hospital, she was immediately rushed into the OR. Her parents arrived soon after, and since then all of us have been waiting outside to get any information about her condition.

Her mother was hysterical with crying while her father kept giving me sideways glances. What was up with him?

I looked back at the doors of the OR and sighed. I have never been a religious man. Though my Mom always insisted I accompany her to church at times, I never truly was religious. But today, sitting outside the OR where the love of my life was fighting for her life, for the first time in life, I prayed. If praying to the almighty was going to bring her back to me, I would do that without a second thought. I would do anything.

Finally after a long, torturous wait, the doctor came out. We all rushed to him at once.

"How's she? Is she fine? Please tell me my baby's fine." Her mother cried out.

The doctor replied, "Your daughter's out of danger. But since she has lost a lot of blood, it will take some time for her to recover. I recommend she takes it easy."

We all let out sighs of relief once we heard the doctor. I closed my eyes to let the feeling seep inside me.

Jasmine was fine. She was going to be fine.

"Can we see her?" Her father asked.

"Yes. But one person at a time please." The doctor said and moved aside.

I wanted to barge inside the room and gather her in my arms, kissing the hell out of her. But I couldn't since her parents were here. And honestly, they deserve to see her first.

Her parents looked at each other and her father urged his wife to go first. She nodded and rushed inside.

Her father then turned to me and walked sternly towards me.

"Sir-" I started but was cut off.

"I know about you." He said in a low, dark tone.

A shiver of fear ran through my spine. What?

"What-what are you talking about sir?" I asked nervously.

"I know you're in love with my daughter."

My whole world collapsed at his words. Never had I thought that I would've to face the situation this way.

"Sir I-"

"Tell me something Chris. Do you really love my daughter?" He asked, cutting me off once again.

I took a deep breath before looking into his eyes. There's no point beating around the bush now.

"Yes sir. I do." I replied firmly.

He eyed me cautiously and uttered his next words.

"So you do realise what you're doing by getting her involved with you? That she's 10 years younger than you? And that she's still in school?"

I looked at him carefully before saying the next words.

"I do realise Sir. But I really love your daughter a lot. And I know that she's way too young, but she's mature enough for her age and I believe she knows what she's getting herself involved into. And I have no intention of letting her down. She's my......she's my everything." I said the last words lowly.

Her father's eyes soften a bit. "You're a good man, Chris. I have known you my entire life. You've always cared for my daughter, looked after her. And today she stood infront of a bullet to save you. I guess she really likes you too, huh?"

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