Chapter 11

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Chris's POV

When my sister passed away in a horrible car accident, needless to say, I went into depression. She was the light of our family and without her, everything seemed dull. I couldn't do anything right and everything in my life was spiralling out of my control. But then I decided I had to pull my shit together and find out that bastard who killed her. The police never found out who the other car driver was as he fled the accident site.

But I did.

I had vowed to avenge my sister. For months I involved myself with people I'm not proud of associating with, but I reassured myself it was for my sister. All these dirty ass people promised me to find that bastard and bring him to me so that I can kill him with my own hands. But they never could. And then I met Daniel.

Daniel Valentino wasn't any normal Italian. No he wasn't. He was the leader of a massive gang which had its bases stretching from Italy, Spain, Canada to America. No kidding. I didn't believe him myself. But when he killed a man in front of me, that too in the most horrifying way ever, I believed him.

Come on, I valued my life.

Dan likes to call his gang as 'mafia', but I beg to differ. Not that he's wrong or something, but mafia is too big of a word for me. Before meeting him, I didn't even know these things existed. I thought they were figments of people's imaginations, woven together into movies and books. But Dan proved me wrong.

He wasn't the bad kind of mafia though. Yeah he killed people and dealt with drugs, but he was clean. The people he killed were deserving assholes like the bastard who killed my sister. They were murderers and rapists. People who deserved to die. He rescued people who were involved into human trafficking and offered them jobs and houses. He rescued prostitutes from leading a life of misery. And he punished the people who carried out such evil activities,in the most brutal way possible.

So when he said he could find my criminal, I believed him. What else could I have done? I didn't have any other option left to turn to. And Dan kept his promise.

However, when the situation presented itself in front of me, I couldn't kill my sister's killer.

Not because I was scared. I could've easily pulled the trigger. Living with Dan for so many months, I had learnt how to use the gun and I even had a few tricks up my sleeves.

What stopped me were the words of a certain person who I had met before going to kill that bastard.


I had just received a call from Dan saying he found that man.

"I'll be there in 20 minutes." I said icily and cut the call. Looking down at the person sitting beside me, I was met with big hazel eyes staring right back at me. My eyes softened.

"Hey Princess, when are your parents getting back?" I asked Jasmine.

She chewed her bottom lip and said, "I don't know."

I couldn't leave her alone here. I thought about something and decided to call my bestfriend Ashton to look after her till I come back.

"Hey I've to get somewhere. Would it be fine if I call Ashton over?" I asked.

Her eyes lit up at his mention and I felt a pang of jealousy. Only I wanted to be her favourite babysitter. I shook my head at the stupidity.

Focus Chris.

"Yes yes! You can! I haven't met him in a looong time." She said excitedly, dragging the word 'long'.

I called Ashton and he arrived in 10 minutes.

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