Chapter 44

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Chris's POV

A whirlwind of emotions ran past Jasmine's face as I stood in front of her. I was pretty sure though my face resembled the same. God I missed her so much! The last 4 years have been nothing but pure torture without her. Every night I would want to pick my phone and call her. But I wasn't sure if she would've wanted to hear from me after I left her. No girl in her place would forgive me for what I did after all.

I took a step forward but stopped abruptly as she took one back. Her face had gone to an emotionless mask and suddenly it scared me. I could handle a crying Jasmine. I could handle even an angry Jasmine. But a blank one, with no emotions on her face, I wasn't sure I would be able to handle.

"Alex. Leave us alone."

The guy who was shouting at me a while ago turned to her and frowned. "But Jas will you be fine alone? With this guy?" He gave me a disapproving look.

"I'll be fine Alex. Go wait outside for me." She said monotonously.

The Alex guy seemed skeptical but nevertheless turned to leave. Thank God. Or else I would've kicked his balls.

But he suddenly turned towards her and kissed her on the forehead. That one small act pulled out the red jealous monster from the back of my mind.

Stop it Chris! You've no right anymore. You left her, remember.

Even though my subconscious reminded me of that, I couldn't shake of the jealousy. The guy whispered something in her ear and she nodded and smiled at him. And then he was out of the room.

An awkward silence fell inside the room. I took this time to run my eyes over my beautiful princess. She had definitely changed for good. Her dark hair had grown and had red highlights on it. She kept her hair open and  her beautiful curls cascaded down her back. She was dressed in a peach jumpsuit that accentuated her curves. Her face had lost the childish essence and she looked more of a woman now. And standing in front of me, she definitely looked like the strong and sexy entrepreneur she was.


"What brings you here Mr Robinson?"

That one question alone pierced right through my heart. She sounded so professional, so business like. Her face was devoid of any emotions.

I took a deep breath and sighed. This was my doing after all.

"How have you been Jasmine?" I asked tentatively.

She barked out a bitter laugh. "How do you think?"

Her cold laughter sent shivers down my spine. I took a really good look at her. Although she had grown into a gorgeous amd sexy woman, she wasn't the same Jasmine anymore. Her eyes looked dull and lifeless. Her face had lost the cheerfulness and carefree look about it.


"I took a bullet for you."

I shut up. She looked like she was on the verge of an emotional breakdown. She needed to let things out.

"You know, I'm not someone who counts favours. And this definitely wasn't a favour, it was more than that. But imagine my shock after I woke up from a surgery that the guy I took a bullet for, just up and left. Left. I took a bullet for you Chris because I'm in love with you. And what did you do? You fucking left!"

Her voice reverberated around the room. Her eyes finally showed some kind of emotion as they were blazing with fury. Her cheeks were flushed and nose flared. She gripped her hands into fists to probably not hit me with something. Although I won't complain if she did hit me.

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