Since When Have You Cared?

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Amanda is being so stubborn, and it's pissing me off a lot. She started walking back to the car, so I just hung back and called Shawn. It's not like I could call any of the other guys because they'd think I was mental if I said I saw Mandy. I was hoping Shawn would understand. Even though Mandy said to act like I never saw her, I'm doing this to help her.

I jogged to my car, snatched my phone out of the seat and slammed the door shut. While I was walking back over towards the park, I could've sworn I saw Scott. Scott, was the guy I made that stupid deal with.

I shrugged it off and dialed Shawn's number. No answer. I called him a few more times and he still didn't answer. As I was walking back to the car, I swear I saw Scott but as soon as I blinked he was gone. I sprinted to the car and Mandy wasn't there either. Instead there was a note in the passenger seat where she was sitting. I opened the door and picked up the note. This is what it read,

'We have the girl.


Fuck. This is screwed up. Right when I thought that I had Mandy back, someone had to take her away. I slammed the door and jumped into the driver's seat. I headed back to the house so I could figure out what I was gonna do.


As I was sitting in the car waiting for Taylor, someone opened the car door and threw me over there shoulder. I felt them inject something in my leg, and I started to get really sleepy. After what seemed like forever, I woke up. I tried standing up but I quickly realized that my hands were tied behind me, and my feet were tied together. I was sitting in a chair with a rope around my shoulders and there was a rag in my mouth.

"I see your awake." Someone said. I looked ahead of me and saw Jake.

"I see that your still an asshole." I retorted back. His hand collided with my cheek. I took in a sharp breath and stayed quiet.

"You broke your agreement I see."


"You know what's going to happen?" He said while smirking slyly and crossing his arms.


"Well, since someone saw you, you're going to have to pay the price." He replied as he walked over to me while punching his fist into his other hand. I braced myself for what was about to happen.

"But since I'm nice, I'll let you off the hook." He replied while backing away from me.

"But." I said knowing that there was a catch.

"But, you'll have to do me a favor." He said back while smirking slyly.

"Which is?" I asked while putting my head forword.

"You'll have to kill someone." He said. I choked back a gasp. This wasn't happening.

"Who?" I asked. Please not one of the MagCon boys, please not one of the MagCon boys.

"One of the MagCon boys." He said.

"Are there any other options?" I asked. I may have changed, but I'm not an assasin.

"Or get one of them to work for me." I breathed a sigh of relief at this.

"I can do that."

The Hidden Truth // Sequel to AmandaWhere stories live. Discover now