: five :

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: five :

"Simon please say something" I said to him

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"Simon please say something" I said to him. He was in the same position he was ten minutes ago. I felt like I was Rachel in that scene from friends when she had to tell Ross they were having a baby.

"What do you want me to say Christine?" He said in a low tone, emphasizing the 'what'

"I don't know what but please just say something. Tell me to leave, tell me how you feel I don't know just give me something. Please" I said as I laid a sleeping Alexys down on the sofa next to me.

"How much of a dick would that make me look if I told you to leave, I couldn't as much as I fucking want to, I couldn't. How do I feel? I don't know, I am completely speechless. I have no words to describe how I feel right now" He said finally breaking his statue like sitting and looked at me, using his hands a lot as he spoke.

"Do you think this is easy for me, I was 17 when I found out. A couple weeks after you completely broke me. I got kicked out of my home, my parents couldn't even look at me. I had my entire life planned out. I worked so hard to keep a perfect school record so I could go to university and have the perfect life and eventually have the perfect family. Clearly that's not happening. The only reason I'm here right now is so she doesn't find you in 17 years' time and confuse the hell out of you even more." I told him

"Why didn't you tell me when you found out?" He asked

"I didn't want to see you, talk to you, be around you. I gave you my heart and you completely shattered it. That's why it's taken me this long, even now it still affects me so much to be here because I have a constant reminder of what happened because of my daughter" I said

"You know I never meant to hurt you" He said in a low tone

"Cut the bullshit Simon, you had sex with some other girl right after I had sex with you" I said to him very monotoned, I'm not stupid those words won't make me fall under a spell and see him as a god that could do no wrong.

"I didn't know what I was doing. This girl literally threw herself at me but I didn't have sex with her. I knew I could never explain it to you because you wouldn't have wanted to hear it" He said

"You're right I wouldn't have wanted to hear it." I mumbled.

"What now?" He asked after a minute of silence

"I don't know Simon; I didn't plan this far ahead. I didn't think I'd ever get as far as seeing you again" I told him. My eyes started to well up. Don't cry Christine. Do not cry right now, not in front of your ex boyfriend, your baby's father. Please do not.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking over at me

"Yep" I said keeping my head down trying to fight back tears. He didn't say anything else. Same old Simon. I lifted my head back up and looked at my daughter asleep on the sofa.

"I don't think I can handle this anymore so I'm going to leave" I stood up fixing my top and slinging the baby bag over my shoulder.

"How are you getting home?" He asked

"An uber most likely" I said and started to pick up Alexys, being gentle enough not to wake her.

"Let me drive you" He said

"No I can make my own way" I said walking towards his door

"Christine just let me take you" He said jogging in front of me and stopping

"I don't need your help, that is definitely not what I came here for" I said blinking multiple times as I did not want to let him see that I'm on the verge of a breakdown.

"Just because you didn't come here for my help or whatever doesn't mean I can't offer it" He said looking down at me. His eyes met mine, oh those ocean blue eyes, memories came flooding back to me just by looking into them, his eyes held all the emotions he couldn't hide, he was scared. Not the type of scared you feel watching a horror movie or going to a haunted house, no this type of scared was fear, like the fear you feel about dying alone and someone precious leaving your life. That type of scared.

A L E X Y S // s.minterWhere stories live. Discover now