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My bed is my only comfort, it's got me through my hardest times

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My bed is my only comfort, it's got me through my hardest times. It got me through the weeks of crying over a positive test and the heartbreak so it can get me though the feeling of still not being wanted by Simon. What was I thinking? Was I stupid enough to believe he'd rejoice at the fact I was coming back? I rushed out of his apartment yesterday, walking as far as I could with Alexys in my arms before I ordered an uber home. I just wanted to get away. I got back home luckily my parents weren't home. Dad's always off on business, mum was at work. I got home and put Alexys in her little play pen while I sat on the sofa going over what just happened. I guess I can be at ease now that he knows about his daughter. It just breaks my heart that she's going to grow up with out her dad. It took a toll on me with my dad being away all the time but she's never going to see him, it seems like that anyways.

"Good morning baby" My plain face turned into a smile when I saw her shuffling in her cot. I rose from my bed and walked to the cot, leaning over her.

"Somebody's got lots of energy" I chuckled as she wiggled about laughing

"Up, up" She said holding her arms out to me. I agreed and picked her up. I bounced her in my arms walking back over to my bed.

"Let meet Uncle Jay today, yeah?" I stared into her big blue eyes, she just carried on fiddling with her hands not really knowing what I'm saying. I brought her downstairs with me and put her in the high chair then starting to make the breakfast. While the porridge for the both of us was warming up in the microwave I pulled out my phone and called Jamie.

"Hey" I said when he picked up

"Yo, what's up Christine?" He asked

"Nothing, I was just wondering if you wanted to meet today because I wanna talk" I told him

"I should be free today." He replied

"So what time, I'm free all day so pick a time that works for you" I told him

"Starbucks in an hour?" He asked

"Perfect, I'll see you then" We said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone. I got breakfast from the microwave and put it in two bowls with honey on each.

"Open wide" I grinned waving a spoonful of porridge in front of Alexys. After breakfast was finished I took her upstairs to get dressed. I put her in pink leggings and a grey long sleeve tee, with grey shoes and a pink headband to keep her blondish hair out of her face. As for myself I threw on a navy blue tracksuit with white air forces, I was not in any mood to dress up and look presentable. I'm still in a bad way from yesterday. I grabbed all my baby stuff and put Alexys into her buggy which was sitting downstairs and left the house. Within 15 minutes I was at Starbucks, I ordered myself a drink and found a table to sit and wait for Jamie.

"Hello little mrs" Jamie bent down and spoke to Alexys

"Hey" I smiled turning to face him

"Hey" He stood up and gave me a hello hug. He sat opposite me and placed his drink on the table.

"So what did you want to talk about?" He asked

"I went to see Simon yesterday" I started

"What? Seriously?" He asked clearly quite surprised

"Yeah" I said softly

"Well, how did it go?" He asked leaning closer as if it would prompt me to hurry up and tell him

"Shit" I mumbled

"I could barely hold myself together" I told him

"How did he react?" He asked

"I think he was too in shock to react. He froze up at first and I had to prompt him to say something. He asked why I didn't tell him when I first found out, I told him straight. It was because I didn't want to see him, then he tried to feed me the whole 'I never meant to hurt you' crap. By that point it was all too much for me and I left. He offered to take me home but I couldn't be around him for another second otherwise I would've completely embarrassed myself by breaking down. I don't really know where to go from here" I sighed when I finished talking

"So is he not going to be around?" He asked

"As far as I know no he's not, and in all honesty I'm quite happy with that" I lied. In a sense I'm happy he won't be around because I won't have to see him and deal with him but that's so selfish of me. My daughter should not grow up wondering why her father didn't want her.

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