: ten :

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: ten :

As I walked back downstairs with Alexys in my hold, I heard voices coming from the kitchen

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As I walked back downstairs with Alexys in my hold, I heard voices coming from the kitchen.

"You spoke to her, you know that it didn't happen" I heard what I'm believing to be Simon's voice say.

"I know but she's already moved on, there's no point dragging it up and making her hate me" Ethan told him both of them thinking their voices were low enough for me not to hear.

"You could've stepped in a long time ago and helped sort this mess out Ethan. You know, when I said I wouldn't do anything to hurt her, I was telling the truth" Simon sounded frustrated. What does he mean Ethan could've 'helped sort this mess out'? What mess?

"I was trying to protect her. I knew she'd come to you at some point because she's reasonable and since she's had this baby all she's done is what's best for Alexys. That means bringing you back into the picture. I kept you out of it as long as I could so that when you did come back into her life she had moved on so whatever you two hadwould be long gone. Do not come back here trying to have a shot at it again and leave when she doesn't want you because everyone would be better off if you just stayed away if that's the case Simon" Ethan said. Wow. He really is looking out for me, but what is this whole situation regarding me that I'm being kept out of for my own safety. I decided I've heard enough and make sure they heard me walking down the rest of the stairs so they'd stop their conversation.

"Hey" I gave Simon half a smile. I don't know how to find out what I want to know about their conversation without them both finding out that I was eavesdropping.

"You ready to go?" He asked turning his attention to me.

"Just gotta grab some more stuff and then I'll be ready. Can you hold her?" I asked. Simon looked at Ethan and then back at me before answering

"Sure" He mumbled holding his arms out for me to make the exchange. I quickly packed the baby bag because I felt uncomfortable with the tension in the room and didn't want to address it.

"I'll see you guys later" Ethan said when we were all outside and I had locked the front door. He gave Simon a fist bump and me a hug before leaving.

"So where are we going?" He asked

"The shopping center in town first and then the park" I said starting to push Alexys in her pram

"Let me do that" He said and took over pushing her. It was nice to go out for once and have someone else push the pram.

"How are you?" He asked as we walked

"I'm good, how about you?" I asked, entertaining this small talk

"Yeah, I'm good" He said. We carried on walking making some conversation but there was only one thing on my mind, what were they talking about in the kitchen. If I can't figure out a way to find out without just straight up asking him.

"Where are we going first?" Simon asked pushing Alexys into the center with me walking next to them.

"Mother care" I told him and we made our way towards the shop. I grabbed a trolley and we walked around the isles and grabbed some more things for Alexys like some bathroom toys and a door bouncer.

"Let me carry those" He said and took the bags from the cashier's belt after I had paid and I started to push Alexys again.

"You go ahead I gotta run to sports direct quickly" He said

"Um, okay" I said not really having much choice because he started to turn towards the shop. I took this time to go shopping for myself. I went into New look and got myself a new blouse and a pair of red pin stripe trousers. On my way out of the shop I saw Simon walking our way.

"Get what you needed?" I asked putting my shopping bag on the handle of the pram.

"Since I missed her last month, I thought she'd like this" He grinned obviously very excited to show me her present. He put the bags he was carrying on the floor and went into the sports direct one before pulling out a white football shirt

"What team is that?" I asked

"Seriously?" He asked genuinely seeming surprised

"I'm kidding, of course I know that's a Leeds top" I laughed rolling my eyes that he fell for that

"As cute as the gesture is she's not wearing that" I smiled teasing him

"Why?" he asked seeming disappointed

"Because I am a West Ham fan" I grinned

"Even if it says her name on that back" He raised one brow

"You didn't" My face dropped but I started laughed when he spun the shirt around to reveal 'ALEXYS' written across the top. I buried my face in my hands because he is so proud of his gift.

"What do you think?" He asked smiling.

"I guess she can wear it sometimes" I rolled my eyes and he pumped his fist in the air over this victory, if he can even call it that.

A L E X Y S // s.minterWhere stories live. Discover now