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Forest in Hungary

Seven men in gray robes circled the fire near a frost-covered riverbank. Their chants rose above leafless ice-glazed trees into a frigid starry sky. One man threw back his head and howled. From a distant hill, a lone wolf answered. A second man howled. This time the wolf pack joined, men and beasts united, their wail a bestial invocation.

Nearby, a mist thickened over the river and gathered into a half-formed specter. The breeze shifted. The murky apparition crept forward, advancing like a lynx stalking its prey until it enfolded the men in a vaporous blanket. It swallowed their chants. Devoured their howls.

The phantasmic fog stretched its ether arms into the forest, curled around trees like an embracing lover before it thinned, faded, and dissolved.

The men were gone. Not so much as a footprint remained.

From behind a dense thicket not far away, a man watched the ancient ritual. He pulled a worn book from his cloak, ran his hand over the familiar cracked leather cover with reverence, and opened to the page marked with a red silk ribbon. He read a passage three times.

"I will discover your secrets." Vlad Dracula closed the book and pressed it tight to his chest. 


 Hi everyone!!! 

I am so excited to share THE IMPALER'S WIFE  with you.  This novel is 2 years in the making!  Agents and editors said it was too disturbing, violent, and sexy. Too real. Several said they could not discern the fiction from fact! 

I hope to post a new chapter every week. And a cover too! 

Thank you so much for reading.

Please remember to 




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