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The meal concludes with King Matthias's announcement that fair weather permits dancing outside under the stars. Vlad and I join the others in a courtyard strung with lanterns and lively with music.

Vlad bows low, takes my hand, and we dance without speaking until a twirl brings us face to face.

Vlad lifts his arm as I dip under. "Do you think your duties as princess of Wallachia involve only spreading your legs?" His voice is chilly.

"No, my lord," I swallow.

"Then why did you leave the conversation with the French envoy and his advisors?" He walks around me, his clap blending with twenty men.

Hands clasped high, we promenade forward, separating at the end of the line.

"I wanted to speak to Jusztina," I explain when we partner again.

"Your personal desires are secondary." He scowls. "In truth, they are unimportant."

My lips tremble, and my heavy feet stumble. "Forgive me, my lord."

"Mind your emotions and smile, Ilona. You are my eyes and ears now. A practical princess never leaves an important discussion."

"Yes, my lord." I battle to keep the smile from slipping off my face.

"An unwarranted twitch, a raised eyebrow, a pause too long; you must report all you hear and see. These festivities are a time to gather information, not flaunt the latest Venetian styles or play the coquette."

Shoulder to shoulder we circle about, our eyes fixed upon one another.

"I beg forgiveness."

Vlad lifts his hand and spins me to the right. "Forgiveness is the invention of gods and the prerogative of fools." His lips curve into a sad smile. "You are a princess now. All selfish desires ended with your oath before God and the sealing of our marital contract."

I blink back a tear. "I will not make the same mistake again."

The music ends, Vlad bows, and heads toward a knot of Matthias's closest friends. I am left to do the only thing I can do—must do. I locate an elderly courtier—a confidant of Aunt Erzsébet—in the crowd and flatter him until he begs a dance.

"Did you hear about the two papal emissaries caught stealing?" He wheezes between spins.

"Disgraceful, isn't it?" I pretend to know the gossip. "Whoever would have suspected it from such devout men?"

"That's what I said." The courtier spills details between coughing fits.

My next three dance partners have no useful information, but the fourth shares a tidbit. By evening's end I feel as satisfied as after prayers this morning. Flattery loosens mouths, as well as a sincere request for advice. Nobles do love giving advice.

Vlad comes to my side. "May I escort you to your chambers?"

My chambers?

"I would be honored." Though my stomach clenches, I do not question him, instead I brandish an impish smile. "I learned many interesting things tonight."

Vlad quirks his eyebrow. "No doubt from the foppish courtier and bald noble."

"You know who I danced with?"

Vlad wraps his arm around my waist. "I recall every one of your dancing partners since the day we were introduced."

My mouth hangs open for a moment. "I don't know whether to be flattered or worried."

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