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It was fourth period the next morning. Jisung was nearly falling asleep, again, for the fourth time today. Luckily for him, Felix was having the same problem. This is what they get from calling one another past midnight, instead of sleeping.

A knocking was heard on the classroom door as it was swung open before the teacher could even answer. Someone walked inside and looked the teacher dead into her eyes. "Hi, I'm new.. and late," He told the teacher without any shame, standing in front of her.

"Not off to a very good start now, are you?" The teacher warned sighingly, raising her eyebrows.

The new student scoffed in return. "I don't really care. I overslept,"

"Rude much," Jisung thought.

"Take a seat, right there." Their teacher pointed to an empty seat as it was the only one left. And it happened to be next to Jisung.

The boy sighed as he began to hate this day already. He walked towards the empty chair, flopping onto it as he got there. He turned his head, looking at Jisung, studying his features. "At least I get to sit next to someone cute like you,"

"Don't even start," Jisung hissed, disgusted at the fact that a new kid had this kind of behaviour.

A slight smirk appeared on the other's face. "I love a challenge,"

The teacher interrupted their very interesting conversation, proceeding what she was saying before someone particular had barged into the classroom. "Okay class, as I was saying; you'll work in pairs for this assignment, I'll need a paper version of your research and you'll also present your subject. To keep things simple, you'll all work together with the person sitting next to you,"

"Guess we're partners, Love," He smirked, raising his eyebrows. This is going to be fun. "So... what's our subject?" He asked, wanting to know what he would have to present about.

Jisung sighed, not believing he had to work together with this person. He sometimes does have his predjuces, but this wasn't exactly one of them. "The Korean war,"

The boy groaned as he rolled his eyes. "Can't we do something less history-ish?"

"No," Jisung sassed, squinting his eyes, and slightly narrowing his eyebrows. "This is history class." He sighed, informing the other in what subject class he was sitting right now.

"You're kinda rude, don't you think?" The boy questioned, eyebrows raised.

"Likewise," He scoffed. People don't get his kindness or friendship with this kind of attitude.

The boy chuckled, a smirk plastered on his face once again. He had found his prey for the school year, what was left of it anyway. "I like, and claim you,"

"I'm sorry?" His eyes widened and eyebrows narrowed. He scoffed, looking at the new boy from head till toe. "I'm not yours to claim." And as he said that, the bell rang. He stood up and simply just left, the pair of eyes of the new kid following his every movement.


Jisung frustratingly sat down at a table in the cafeteria, his friends joining him shortly after, wondering why he didn't wait for them in class like he usually did as they always walked to the cafeteria together.

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