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"Thank goodness," Jisung exhaled, his breath hitched, it felt as if the walls were closing up on him and that there was no fraction of oxygen left. He was just so thankful of Minho for barging in - even if it meant him almost seeing Jungin's lips onto his own. He was really glad it didn't get to that. He wouldn't have let it come to that either way; pushing him off would have been the option.

Minho closed the door behind him and moved further into the younger's room, towards him. He crouched down in front of him and raised his arm a bit. His thumb gently caressed along Jisung's soft lips. "Never let his lips touch yours," He whispered softly yet sincerely serious.

Little did Minho know he was the one driving Jisung crazy. His heart was pounding rapidly, nearly jumping out of his chest, metaphorically speaking.

A shiver went through his whole body. "I- I wasn't planning on," He stuttered slightly, cursing himself for doing so. If you keep doing that, my lips will meet yours.

Minho's hand was still lingering on Jisung's cheek after he had caressed his lips, looking the blond boy into his eyes. Jisung then took Minho's hand into his own. "Uhm..." Minho chuckled nervously. "I should go now," The elder muttered, trying to get rid of the slight tension that was filling the room, looking Jisung into his eyes as the latter let go of his hand.

He stood back up and slowly walked out of Jisung's room to his own as he was shocked by his own actions and words, leaving Jisung speechless.


Mrs. Han called the two boys downstairs as dinner was ready. This technic didn't quite work out so well, she should had known better. Minho did hear it and got downstairs, but Jisung hadn't. His mother literally had to call him on the phone to drag his ass downstairs.

As he had finally gotten downstairs, Jisung received a slight nagging from his mother. The thing is, he was trying to presume to work on his assignment, but he couldn't seem to concentrate his mind on anything but Minho, especially when it was school related.

He joined them as his mother and Minho were seated at the dinner table. "Finally, you're here," The latter scoffed in a teasing tone, purposely reacting in an overly dramatic way. He was starving, but a rule they had was that they always wait from grabbing in until everyone was present at the dining table.

Jisung sighed as he rolled his eyes. "You could've started without me," He flopped into a chair in front of Minho and helped himself, putting food onto his plate.

It was a nice quiet dinner, Jisung's mother throwing in some questions here and there about the boys' school life. Both of them wanted to get out of the conversation as fast as possible, not wanting to talk about school matters when out of school.

"Oh, Minho, I also crossed paths with Jungin earlier... What was he doing here?" Mrs. Han questioned, not having seen the said boy in a very long time. And like everyone else, not having a good impression of the boy.

Silence filled the room. He chewed down his food and cleared his throat. "He's on his usual fuckboy spree," Minho murmured bluntly. "Not with me... obviously," He snorted. They were cousins so, of course, not with him. "But we've got nothing to worry about since Jisung isn't gay,"

Jisung felt a sudden ache in his stomach. "You can't just assume that I'm not,"

"Are you?" He then questioned, raising both of his eyebrows as he kept on eating.

"...N-no," He wasn't in the denial phase anymore, so why couldn't he just speak up and say it out loud for once? He just wasn't able to. He can admit it to anyone... Anyone but Minho.

Minho grinned mischievously as he raised an eyebrow. He could always tell when Jisung wasn't being completely truthful with him, but of course, the latter doesn't have a single clue that he gave himself away every time a lie passed through his mouth.

Mrs. Han had a slightly disappointed look on her face. Jisung thought she probably wanted him to tell Minho how he felt about him, but he won't. She understood that it wouldn't be easy for him, coming out to his best friend.

To get out of the conversation, Jisung had volunteered on doing the dishes by himself. So that was what he was doing, cleaning the table and walking towards the kitchen.

Everyone had excused themselves off the table, Jisung cleaning up, Mrs. Han sitting in the sofa and Minho doing who knows what. The latter moved into the living room as he saw Mrs. Han sitting there, reading a book. "Miss Han, can we talk?"

"Of course, Minho!" She spoke dazzlingly, looking up from her book. She patted the spot next to her on the sofa, signalling for Minho to take a seat.

He sat down next to her, silence erupting them the few following minutes. He didn't know if what he was going to do or say was a good idea. "I need some advice," He murmured, clearing his throat as he shifted his legs left to right.

She nodded, wanting him to go on and talk to her. "How does it feel when one's in love?"

A relieved sigh was heard as she didn't expect this question at all, one could also hear the slight chuckle under her breath. "It feels incredible. It feels as if your heart is on fire and your mind is screwing you over by thinking too much. Your heart races and pounds hectically against your chest, desire consumes you and all you can think of when being with them is their lips and how they would feel when touching your own."

"Mhm, got it," He did know what love felt like, kind of, but he didn't know what the feeling of being in love was. He thought maybe him being in love was just in his head... but it was not.

Jisung was still doing the dishes, but by letting the water stream under less pressure, he also overheard tiny bits and pieces of the conversation the two individuals were having, yet not meaning to eavesdrop.

Jisung's mother looked at Minho lovingly. She was curious as to why the boy suddenly came around and asked her that type of question. "Are you in love with someone?" She asked him softly.

Minho felt really nervous. He felt his face heat up by just the imagination of him telling her that he was in love with her son. The probable horror on her face would most likely kill him. "Nah, it's for a school project, social studies," He lied, but unlike Jisung he was actually a believable liar.

A wide grin appeared on her face as she thought there was more to it than that, but she didn't question him any further. He stood back up from the sofa and made his way to the kitchen, knowing the younger was located there.

Today has been the most awful day out of my awful days oof wow
Anyhowww, how y'all been?

Oof I honestly forgot myself so correct me if im wrong xD but I think this might be the chapter w confirmation of Minho actually being in love with Sung... I meannnn he has been an emotional wreck and his feelings have been all over the place and never really got confirmed as "in love" sooo... 👀👀

Q: What do you like most about yourself?

A: My eyes. And w that I exclude eyelashes n bs cuz those suck since theyre barely visible without mascara but yeet
The rest of me I dislike :'))

To be continued ;)

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