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Felix had found his way over to where Changbin was standing - still by the entrance door of the cafeteria - and pulled him with him into a corner, away from Chan, who was now standing by his lonesome.

"Hey, lix," Changbin spoke with a smile. "Do you mind skipping the rest of the day? I need to talk to you," He added, looking at the orange-haired boy seemingly worried, but he did not notice this.

Felix was surprised Changbin asked him to skip school since he was the one always
saying studies are important, besides his mother.

He decided to sneak out of school, following Changbin to wherever he was going. He had something he needed to tell Changbin as well. Seeing Jisung being all brave made him want to let it all out as well. He didn't care anymore.

They had found their way into the woods, following a path which led them to a big rock near a small pond. Felix suddenly remembered this place again. This was their place. Both of them would sit on that rock together and throw tiny stones into the pond. They would talk and mess around. A place no one could ever see or find them.

He was left in awe, but shortly got interrupted by the elder boy grabbing his hand and leading him towards the rock. They sat down and looked at one another for what seemed like forever but was only a few seconds.

Felix let out a subtle cough and began to speak up. "I actually want to tell you something as well,"

Changbin didn't know the boy also had something to tell him so he let him go first. Because what he was about to tell the orange-haired boy might bring the mood down. Might. He nodded as a sign for Felix that he may talk first.

Come one Felix, Jisung was able to do this and so should you.

"I tried to forgive and forget everything over this past weekend... but I realised I won't be able to get over it until I tell you how I feel," He muttered, finally mustering up the courage that had been hidden deep inside of him. "I was in love with you, Changbin hyung. You made me fall in love with you - by being you - and then you just left me without saying anything. Not a word. I was so angry and sad and I still am - even if it doesn't seem that way." He spoke, remaining calm, yet his heart wasn't.

"Felix, I-" Changbin began cautiously.

"I'm not finished yet," The boy cut him off. "It's going to take a lot more effort - than the past few days - to make up for the past two years. And if you ever leave me again - meaning not coming back from college - I won't forgive you anymore. I'm not sure about my feelings for you right now, not that it would make a difference - I just needed to let that out. I just needed you to know that I've always loved you but you blew it." He took a quick breather because he had been rambling. "You don't have to say anything..." He suddenly felt more anxious than courageous, thus he didn't want Changbin saying anything about the matter in return. He sighed quite heavily and averted his eyes for a few seconds, then looking back into the elder's eyes once more. "Now... What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Uhm... I just wanted you to know that our parents have been arguing a lot lately - for a while now actually. They didn't want you to worry about it so they hadn't mentioned it to you, but, my dad - and I - will be moving out of the house." Changbin informed Felix, who looked quite taken aback. He had never - not once - heard their parents fight or argue. Was he really that gullible that he didn't notice any changes in their behaviour? Well, it's not as if he talks to them a lot, he was always in his room if not for dinner.

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