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I'd lived with Nat for almost two weeks, and in that time, I'd only met her friends Clint and Tony.

Nat talked about her other friends, apparently they lived just upstairs.

I was curled up in my bed beside Nat when the elevator dinged.

I lifted my head and stared at it with a growl, "Quiet Sobaka," Nat scolded lightly, not even glancing away from the TV. She was watching some movie on dinosaurs.

I lowered my head back onto my paws, but stared at the door as it opened.

It was a really tall buff guy with short hair.

"Have you seen the Jurassic Park trilogy yet Steve?" Nat questioned, putting her feet on the coffee table.

The man shook his head, staring at me, "Not yet,".

Nat pointed the empty section of couch beside her, "Sit."

The blond made his way over to the couch and sat beside her, I turned my head to stare at him and he was still staring at me.

Nat raised an eyebrow, "Are you going to keep staring at him or are you going to pet him?" She questioned, staring at the man.

He turned his head to stare at her, so I took the opportunity to lay my head down on my bed.

"I like his colors," he commented, glancing back at me before he started to stare at the TV since Nat had resumed the dinosaurs on screen.

"I just started the first movie," Nat informed as she settled back onto the couch.

The man nodded his head in acknowledgement before he immersed himself in the movie.
After the second movie ended, Steve, I'd learned the man's name was, decided to start a conversation. "Did you hear about the new compound Tony's planning on building?" He questioned, looking over at Nat.

She nodded, "Supposed to be on a private property surrounded by nothing." Steve nodded his head, reaching for his water bottle.

I twitched an ear in their direction before curling up in a ball to try to fall asleep through the dinosaur screeches.

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