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Steve and I headed back to the tower after that, Nat had finished packing by the time we'd gotten there.

She and everyone else were standing outside and watching a few guys put everything into a big truck.

I barked as we got closer, which got everyone's attention. My tail started to wag as we got closer to Nat, who crouched when I got to her.

She started rubbing my neck, "How was the walk?" She questioned as I sat in front of her, tail thumping against the sidewalk.

"Well, let's just say Sobaka is a good guard dog," that got everyone's attention.

"Some guy was trying to pick a fight with me, so Sobaka put himself in-between us scared him off," Steve explained as he gave Nat the leash.

She moved her hands to rub behind my ears.

"Good boy," she muttered to me before she stood up.

I leaned against her leg and stared up at her. I loved Nat.
Clint had left and come back around driving a large van.

We'd all piled inside, I sat in very back with Pietro, Wanda, and Vision. Pietro sat in the middle. Nat took the front seat. Bruce, Steve, and Tony sat in the middle row.

It was a thirty minute car ride before Clint turned off the road.

I had my head laid on the top of the seat between Pietro and Wanda.

Clint stopped the car in front of a huge building, the big truck from the tower was already there unpacking.

Everybody clambered out of the van, Steve came around and opened the back to let me out.

I hopped onto the driveway before making my way to the grass to look around.

Steve went over to help the guys with the truck.

Everyone else headed inside to investigate the new house.

"Sobaka!" Nat called, I looked over to see her at the door.

I took off running over to her and slowed down as I got inside.

It looked very... polished. I sniffed at the rug that was by the door before I slowly made my way around.

Everybody piled into the new living room to eat pizza and watch a movie when it got darker.

I sat by Nat and Steve's feet while they watched.

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