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When I'd gotten to the vet, I'd immediately been taken to the back and sedated for X-rays.

I wasn't sure how long it was, but I woke up covered in gauze and numb. I was also in a small kennel full of towels and blankets.

I whimpered as I looked around, there were a bunch of other cages in the room, but I could only see a couple of cats in a few of them. The rest seemed to be empty.

I shakily lifted my head as the door opened, "Hey bubba, how you feelin'?" A woman said gently.

I let out a whimper in response.

"Oh I know bubba," she said before she left the room again.

A few moments later, a man came in followed by the woman.

He kneeled by my cage and opened it, I whined as he touched me. "Yeah let's go get him some meds and then give him some wet I/D and some water in a few hours," the man decided as he closed my cage and got up.

They both left the room, I laid my head back down.

The girl came back in a few minutes later with a small, soft treat in her hand.

"Hey bubba, you want a treat?" She asked as she opened the cage and offered it to me.

It smelled good, so I took it. "Yeah, good boy," she told me as she rubbed my head and closed the door.

I fell asleep not long after that.

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