The Departed

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Rwby woke up with a headache that felt like she flew into a tree and got hit by an Atlas paladin, as she looked around she saw her teammates but she also saw Ren, Nora and Pyrrha...

"Pyrrha!" Ruby screamed and she woke everyone up

they all looked around and saw Ruby with tears in her eyes

"ruby, what's wrong?" Weiss asked

that's when she saw her two, Pyrrha was sitting their with her eyes in shock,

"I'm...I'm alive!?" Pyrrha said in amazement and shock

both Ren and Nora were about to have waterfalls falling from their eyes as well as Yang and Blake, as Ruby was about to say something a growl was heard they all turned their heads to see Cinder, Mercury, Emerald, and the rest of Team WTCH along with Salem!

"What are they doing here!?" Yang cried with anger

"we don't even know that! But it seems that luck is on our side today" Cinder said as she raised up her arm to set them ablaze but nothing came out, "what!? My powers aren't working!?" Cinder cried

"allow me Cinder" Salem said with authority and she went to raised her to crush them with her magic but it wasn't working either, "what is this!? My magic can't effect them?" Salem cried

"that would be thanks to me" they all heard and they saw a young teenage boy who had white hair, pale skin and red eyes

"hello everyone and welcome to the multiverse theater" said the teen

"who are you!? What have you done with my goddess magic!?" Tyrian cried in anger

"simple, I took it away" he said calmly and everyone was shocked

"impossible!" Tyrian cried

he charged at the teen but only to have his whole upper torso to explode! Blood splattered everywhere

"tyrian!" Watts cried

"holy shit!" Yang and Weiss cried

"easy now, he's not dead yet" said the teen

he lifted up his hands and a green light appeared and reversed the damage, Tyrian now alive and with a scared look on his face

"now Tyrian, did you learn your lesson? Or should I allow you to see where your going after you die again?" Said the teen

Tyrian shook his head no and ran back to his seat

"now that that's out of the way, allow me to tell you why you're all here" said the teen as he turned on a giant screen that showed Jaune on it

"Jaune!" Both Ruby and Pyrrha cried

"yes you see, Mr. Arc here is a very interesting being, in fact, who could say he has more importance then any of you" the teen said, "but you'll see soon as to why, but allow me to set some rules" the teen said, "rule #1: no fighting, if there is any you'll be killed, and that includes you Salem I took away your immortality as well, so be afraid should you break this rule, Rule #2: the things I am about to show you all have a lesson to be learned in them, rule #3: should any of you try to under the things I am about to show you that happens to Jaune Arc, I will personally pry your eyes open and make you watch!" The teen yelled "clear? Good now allow me first to bring everyone else here" the teen said

a blue smoky portal opened up above everybody and in fell, professor Ozpin, Oscar, Tai, Qrow, Winter, Ironwood, Raven, Neo, Roman, Glynda, Neptune, sun, Illia, Ghira, Kali, Saphron, velvet and coco.

"Dad!" Both ruby and Yang yelled

"mom!" Yang cried out again

everyone was shocked to see Roman their to since he died as well back at the fall of Beacon

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