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the screen turned on and Sun was running threw a sewer, looking beat up and dirty

"jeez sun looks fucked up, sorry Sun" Yang said while looking at the monkey boy "its cool, but yeah I look like shit"

"why is he doing this to me!? what did I do to deserve this!?" sun cried but a blonde man fell down and nearly killed him with his clawed iron arms but sun jumped out of the way. sun landed on his back to see Jaune in a black trench coat and his arm black with a red mark on his hand, "HAHAHAH! Well this is this is fun, most people tend to curl up and cry~!" he said and Sun just looked at Jaune "it's about time someone actually fights back. I do apprciate the chance to kill my bordom" Jaune chuckled and then he jumped down to where sun was standing

Sun looked at Jaune with a little bit of a fighting urge and an urge to try on a black trench coat

"T-The ultimate shield!? and your voice sounds like-! what the hell!? you! how dare you Imidate Mr. Arc!" sun yelled as Jaune walked over to him

sun looked in confusion, "is Jaune my boss or something?" "I don't know but he also said he was imidating Jaune so lets just watch and find out" Neptune said

"excuse me, I'm no imidation. my name is Jaune Arc" Jaune said "the everishies?" sun asked and Jaune laughed "you got it! I want everything you could possply think of! Money and power and women! sex, status, glory-" "you demand the finer things in life!" Sun yelled and Jaune looked a bit confused, "You can't, How could you be?" Sun asked and Jaune looked a little confused and angry, "alright, who are you?" Jaune aske before a static sound was in his head, Jaune grunted, "it has to be! you are Mr. Arc!" sun said with joy and surpriseness, Jaune just looked at him, "but how can you look like someone else?" sun asked and Jaune looked mad "I asked you who you are! now tell me!" Jaune asked and sun pointed at himself, "it's me! im your friend sun! you haven't been gone from Vacou long enough to forget!!" Sun cried and Jaune looked like he rembered something, "oh! your from Vacuo! oooh! now it makes sense!" Jaune said

"is this jaune a dumbass to forget a long time friend?" Weiss said "Jaune must have forgotten about sun since they weren't good friends" Yang said "WHA!? me and Jaune are good buddies!" Sun yelled

"y-you remeber me!?" sun said but then Jaune's hand turned black and he stabbed threw Sun

"what!?" sun cried "dude you died..." Neptune said "Yeah I Know dude!" sun yelled and neptune just stood in shock, "it's kinds weird seeing you die..." Neptune said

"afraid not" Jaune said and sun spitted out blood, "you must have been buddies with the old Jaune" Jaune said and he pulled his hand out of Sun's body, "but I-I-I thought we..." "sorry pal, but you and I never even met" Jaune said "Jaune...wh-why..." and sun died

everyone was a little uneasy "wait did he say the old Jaune?" blake asked "hey.. he did say something about being buddies with the old Jaune!" ruby yelled "so is this Jaune a clone?" Neptune asked

Jaune just looked at the body of Sun, "theres nothing personal, I'm just doing my job. I am sorry, Honestly" Jaune said before another static sound hurt his head, Jaune looked to see his hands shaking, "what the hell?" and another sound was heard, and Jaune gagged, Jaune fell to his knees and saw a vision of Blake, Adam, Ilia and Sun. Jaune took deep breaths in

"whats happening?" Neptune asked "somethings not right... clones wouldn't have memorys" Blake said

"what have you done Jaune?" said a voice to show that Ren was inside his head "are you determined to prove your a monster!?" ren asked "what kind of sick creature would kill his own friend!?" ren yelled "h-he wasn't my friend!" Jaune choked out "then why do you remeber him!?" Ren yelled "and are you gonna try me Sun was just making everything up!?" Ren yelled "THOSE ARE THE LAST JAUNES MEMOERYS! THERE NOT MINE!!!" "then why are you in so much pain!?" ren yelled "pull yourself togethor Jaune... I'm warning you! I'll take my body back if you drop your guard!" ren yelled and Jaune was in more pain

"so Jaune took over ren's body and their apperance changes when one os on control of the other?" Nora asked "seems so" Blake said

"they aren't mine! MOTHER PURIFIED ME AND PURGED THE OLD JAUNES MEMORYS! THOSE MEMORYS AREN'T APART OF ME ANYMORE!!!" Jaune yelled "YOUR WRONG!" Ren yelld "it's not that easy! they'll always be apart of you! you can't erase them from your soul! they were the only part of you that you choose!!!!!" ren yelled "YOU ABANDONED THEM! YOUR REAL FAMILY!!!" rem yelled and Jaune had more flashbacks coming to him,  jamming every thing into one go! "FOOL! IF YOU TURNED YOUR BACK ON SOMETHING YOU WANTED THEN YOU CAN'T CALL YOURSELF GREED!!!!" ren yelled with a distored yell Jaune was holding Suns dead body...

"jaune didn't rember anything, and he now knows that he killed someone who was once called friend" Blake said "jaune would be heartbroken of he saw this version of himself..." Sun said "yeah..." neptune agreed

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