Inglorious Bastards!

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Everyone was processing what had just happened in the last universe, then the teen reappeared again,

"I'm sorry for the wait, the next universe was hard to get and I had to see which part of it would be fine for you all to look at," the teen said,

"that's fine Mr... hey we never did get your name?" Nora said

"oh! Forgive me, my name is DJ, and for those of you who are late, I'm am indeed a god" DJ told them,

this catching the interest of both Salem and Ozpin

"if your a god, do something a godly!" Nora cried

"very well," DJ said

DJ snapped his fingers and then out of nowhere pancakes appeared in front of Nora, Cookies in front of Ruby, a Signed copy of ninjas of love by the author, a bit of whiskey and vodka for Qrow and a book of bad jokes for Tai and Yang,

"wow! You really are a god!" Nora cried,

"indeed you are, now can you at least bring us something as well?" Ozpin asked DJ,

"oh Oz, I can't give you coffee just yet!" DJ said with a smile,

"because, this isn't just an experience for you, this is torture for both you and Salem" DJ said

both of the leaders froze

"I want you to watch as your student and possible descendent die, because of all the sin you two have committed!" DJ yelled, "now let's go to the next world, I should also inform you about this world as well," DJ said.

He gave a very large and complicated story on what this world was going threw and what caused it,

"wow...6 million people died?" Winter said, "Yes, it was a tragedy, but on to the universe!"

And the screen fazed to black and then lit up as the room went dark.

There was a line of 7 men, which went like this, fox, Yatsuhashi, Neptune, Sun, Mercury, Scarlet and Sage, standing in front of them to their right side was Ren, they all wore military-like outfits, a blonde man with a mustache walked in front of them and Jaune stood in front of them with a military hat on his head and his hair was an undercut but bangs still to his side

"my name is Lieutenant Jaune Arc and I'm putting together a special team and I need me 8 soldiers" he said looking at the men

"Wow...Arc actually looks good in a military uniform" Weiss said

"does someone now have the hots for the so-called dunce?" Yang teased,

"NO!" both Schnee sisters yelled with mad blushes on their face,

Yang just had a very shocked expression on her face "...Ok" she said

"8 Jewish American soldiers," Jaune said

He began to walk down the line,

"now you all may have heard about the armada happening soon, well...We'll be leaving a little earlier" Jaune said as he looked to them again "we're gonna be dropped into France dressed as civilians. And once we're inside enemy territory, like a bush sacking gorilla army, well be doing one thing and one thing only...Killing Nazi's" Jaune said to his men "now I don't know about y'all but I sure as yell didn't come down from the smokey mountains and crossed 500 miles of water to fight my way through half of Sicily, to jump out of a fucking airplane to teach the Nazi's lesions in humanity," Jaune said

"My god! That voice of his is so hot!" Yang cried

"you bet your blonde hair it is!" Coco and Pyrrha both yelled

even Neptune, Sun and Mercury had to agree

"he does sound kinda hot" Emerald muttered to herself

"Nazi ain't got no humanity, there the foot soldiers of a Jew-hating mass-murdering maniac and they need to be destroyed!" Jaune said "that's why every son of a bitch wearing a Nazi uniform...Their gonna die!" Jaune said with a smile, and looked to his men, "now I'm a direct descendant of the mountain men Jim Bridger, which mean I got a little Apache in me" he said walking Down The line again, "and our battle plan will be that of an Apache resistance...We will be cruel to the Germans, and through our cruelty, they will know who we are" Jaune said with another smile

"Does it feel weird when Jaune smiles about being cruel to those Nazis?" Ruby said

"yeah," everyone said

except for cinder and the villains responded,

"I think what he is doing a great idea, the enemy will fear them for their cruelty," Salem said,

"of course that's what you think about" yang scoffed

Salem's brow twitched a little

"And they will find the evidence of cruelty, through the disemboweled, dismembered, disfigured bodies of their brothers we leave behind us. And they will fear us" Jaune said "and the Germans won't help themselves but imagine the cruelty that their brothers suffered at our hands" Jaune's smiled again, "but I got a warning for all you would-be warriors! When you join my command...You take on a debt, a debt you owe me...Personally"

This caught Blake's attention "what does he mean by debt? Why would the need to owe him?" Blake asked

"I don't know sweety but, I think we're about to find out," Kali said

"Each and every man under my command owes me 100 Nazi scalps!" Jaune yelled

"Wait! He's going to take their scalps!? That's against the rules of war!" Winter cried

"yes it is, but we don't know if our rules apply for that world Winter," Ironwood said

"I want my scalps! And all of you will bring me 100 Nazi scalps! Taken from the heads of 100 dead Nazi scalps!" Jaune yelled and then looked closer and moved closer to his men "or you will die trying...Understood!" Jaune yelled

"SIR YES SIR!" they all yelled

"good" and the scene ends

They all looked relieved as it wasn't as bad as the last one, but it still freaking them out about his Jaune smiled when talking about killing the Nazis.

Then DJ appeared in front of everyone "alright, now the next one is gonna be funny but before we begin let me tell you about what's going on in this world..." DJ Began

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