The Great Arc

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As everyone was waiting for DJ to start the scene, they all talked about what could be shown next, just then DJ appeared in front of them, "OK so the next universe will begin soon, now I do have to mention that in this universe I have to show it like um...Like a trailer!" DJ said "oh cool!" "Yeah, but you will not believe all the editing I did to do that with this universe...Anyway shall we?" DJ asked them "let's see vomit boy!" Yang and ruby cried and the screen flickered on...

A huge city is shown with cars going over a bridge

Ren: New York, 1922...

"Renny! That's your voice!" Nora yelled and shaking ren

A car full of people drink while some one was driving

Ren: the Tempo of the city had changed sharply

Skylines and a busy street appear

Ren: the buildings were higher

Show car swerving down a road

Ren: the parties were bigger

Show a huge mansion and a couple of girls dancing

Ren: the morals were loosed and the liquor was cheaper

Show a bunch of Waiters coming out with trays of glasses of champagne

"Boy would I like to live in that time and that world" roman said with a smile and neo shook her head in agreement

Show people parting

Show a man playing piano

Ren: the restlessness approached hysteria

Show Nora with a black net like hat covering her short hair

Show Ren looking back at her

"Gasp! Ren I'm in this to!" Nora cried shaking ren harder and faster

Nora approaches Ren

Nora: shall we?

Ren and Nora dancing

Show ren on stairs with Nora next to him and ren with a smile on his face

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