Jaune dragneel!

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the theater began to shake and everyone was holding onto there seats, "whats happening!?" Yang cried "sorry, I had to make sure this universe could not effect us" DJ/Jaune said. after a couple of seconds the room stopped shaking, "well no that that's over lets get on with this Universe" DJ/Jaune said

Jaune was getting up, in front of him was Ruby and Zwei, but what everyone else noticed was the Giant Grimm dragon standing in front of them, the dragon looked at cinder, "so your still alive, you creatures that only exist to destroy dragons!" it said and then slapped Cinder away and she coughed up a bit of blood

"ouch!" Yang said

the dragon roared and Jaune got up, he was wearing a orange vest and a scarf was tied across his waist, "I'm not fighting to destroy dragons..." Jaune said as he walked his way to the beast

"does he think he can take on that thing?" Mercury asked "I don't doubt that he will, after all we've seen this become a god and a ersion of him is the one who brought us here" Emerald said "fair point" Mercury told her

Jaune clenched his fist and Fire surrounded it, "to protect my friends! my family! that is why!" Jaune yelled and he was then engulfed in flames

"how is his clothes not burning?" Yang asked "I mean when I use my semblance even a can feel the burning on my back" Yang said and DJ/Jaune appeared "what Jaune is using isn't a Semblance, It's magic, specifily Jaune's magic is called fire dragon slayer magic, he's not the only one with it either, Cardin has metal dragon slayer magic, Oscar has wind, Sun has light, Neptune darkness, and I don't want to get into the fact that both Mercury and Ironwood have..." DJ/Jaune said

"I'll fight here and now for them!" Jaune yelled "silance human!" the dragon yelled and charged at Jaune. Jaune was now running while engulfed in flames at the dragon, he jumped and he and the dragon hit one another, Jaune then backed up and kicked the dragon back

"wow! how strong does he have to be to completely kick something that big back!" Oscar yelled "he must be stronger then even Hazel when he has the dust in his arms" Ozpin said

the dragon flew back and with anger looked at Jaune, "you Brat!" it said and shot out crystals at Jaune, Jaune blocked some but became over whelmed and the dragon unleashed a roar of light, blowing up the mountain they were on in the process

the theater was in awe, "this Jaune looked tough but I don't think even he could survive that" sun said and neptune nodded

the dragon landed on the ground, "you disgusting human...." the dragon said and then looked to the distance to see a figure appear the dragon was shocked

"no fucking way!" Mercury yellled

Jaune's whole left side become red with scales a dragon wing had grown from his back, the dragon looked at him with complete fear! "y-your also a dragon!?!?" the dragon yelled

"oum he looks badass like that!" Yang said rubbing her thighs "y-yeah..." ruby said

Jaune ran to the dragon, in the blink of an eye Jaune uppercutted the dragon and sent it into the air and all you could see of jaune was the trail of fire that he left as he attacked the dragon, the dragon looked in anger "I have reconized you! and your true form!" the dragon yelled as it began to fall and Jaune was above it, "Your not human! your a being who'll destroy everything!" the dragon cried, and Jaune punched it in the stomach, "it doesnt matter what I am!" Jaune yelled "I've devoted my exstance to my friends!" Jaune yelled and the dragon began to glow white and it charged at Jaune, Jaune lit one of his hands on fire and there was a little hint of the same magic as the dragon, "Blood! flesh! or Bone! I don't need any of it!" Jaune yelled and the two powerful forces clashed and both strugglung to push the other, Jaune's fist then broke through the Dragons horns and Jaune kept pushing through, the dragon and Jaune fell to the mountain...

the audience was stunned "Jaune here is not invincibal" DJ/Jaune said "then how could he do all of those amazing things?" Ruby asked "simple because he was fighting for all of you" DJ/Jaune said "you see there is a reason the good guys will win in the end even if there is loss. because no one is fighting for themselves their fighting for something and someone..." DJ/Jaune said and then he began to Vibrate, he fell to the floor, "Jaune!" Ruby yelled and she tried to get up but she was pulled back into her seat, then DJ/Jaune stopped vibrating, "my time is closer then I thought..." he said, "lets continue..." he said

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