Jaune's death

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"Did you find any good universe yet DJ?" Ruby asked "actually yes, however this one came in a tie with another universe but I'll show that one after this" DJ said "so is this one like ours or is it kinda like the last one?" Sun asked "its like the other ones, but the next one I shall be bringing in a couple of new guest to watch it because its a possible future for you guys" DJ said "Mr. DJ could you please tell us about this universe" ozpin asked "yes of course, now in this universe, Jaune had invaded the country of England, which if you remember from the WW2 universe was a country in that one as well, But this takes place very long ago before WW2, but he turned himself in to England and they tortured him for his crimes, the scene I'm about to show you now is the ending of his torture, its it death sentence now" DJ finished and this mad a couple of hairs stand on some peoples backs, Jaune had died in one and they were still shocked about that one, "but let's begin" DJ said and the screen flickered on...

The scene began with people surrounding a hanging cage, sitting on a throne was King James Ironwood, and in the crowd was king Ozpin in a black cloak looking at the cage, inside the cage was a beaten and bloodied Jaune Arc and Chains around his arms and legs, it was beginning to rain.

"General it seems your a king in here as well as professor Ozpin" winter told Ironwood "yes and it seems we are the ones that will be killing Mr. Arc here" Ironwood said and looked to Ozpin who was grabbing his coffee mug hard.

Jaune looked at the two men, "it Gladdens me to know that Odin prepares for a feast! Soon I shall be drinking ale from curved horn!" Jaune cried and got up and to the side of the cage where ozpin was standing "because a hero who enters Valhalla does not fear death!" Jaune yelled again with ironwood looking angry at him

"This is hard to watch" Pyrrha said "what? Why?" Nora asked "because you know they are going to kill Jaune but their just taking their time..." Pyrrha said sadly, "Pyrrha's right, but at least Arc's getting some final words" Coco said

"I shall not enter Odin's hall in fear!" Jaune cried again and he began to stand up but he used the bars of the cage to help, "there I will wait for my sons to join me! And when they do...I will BASK in their tales of triumph!" Jaune yelled again

The Rwby Arc mutliverse theory!?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ