The Deal

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He stood there, trembling in fear, having no ability to move or think. It came to him again with another message. Everything was white, not a single object in sight but two shadows, facing each other, completely identical. He wore a white shirt, a black tie and a dark colored pants with black shoes.

'Who are you? Are you me?' - whispered the kid with a shaky tone.

'What do you think?' - grinned the kid's look-alike.

'I.. I don't know'

'Huh, don't bother. I'm not you, no. I'm more than that, I'm superior than you, I'm free, I'm the power, and I'll take you with me, soon.' - he replied with an evil smile and started to fade away.

Colors emerged from nowhere, starting to take various different shapes and soon enough everything became clear.

'ADAM! YO ADAMS, YOU DON'T KNOW ME?!' - his friend shouted from a feet away.

Adam stood there, still trying to comprehend the experience, slowly started to collapse on the floor. His friend, Xander ran over to him, quickly grabbed him and picked him up. Adam looked around in awe as everyone was constantly watching him, horrified and shocked . On his left there was a thrown chair and a broken wooden table. Broken pieces of glass and spilled juice covered the area.

Adam panicked and ran off, confused and frightened, he left the cafeteria as fast as he could. Without looking back he hastened to the exit, reached for his bicycle and rode through the main campus gates. A cruiser drove by him, he knew he have to run away as fast as possible.

I can't take this.. I can't take this.. I can't.. I CAN'T..

Eventually picking up speed, he felt the morning air brushing his face, wind blowing his hair. The street stretched straight with houses on both sides. He took a slight left and stopped his bicycle, jumped off and entered the house. He rushed inside his room, opened up the wardrobe, took his hoodie and puts it into his bag.

'Open up! This is the police!' - a loud knock was heard from the door.

Continuous nervousness was eating him up as he took a sharp right and ran towards the door which opened at the back of his house. He quickly picked up the key from the key-holder, rolled it inside the lock, and ran off leaving the door open behind him. Rushing past trees, jumping over fences, he reached a forest entrance. Beyond this, large woods, heavy fog and unknown threats eagerly waited for him but he had to make a decision. He walked into the unknown.

He carefully strode the forest, trying his best not to hurt himself. The trunks were huge and the branches were wide, covering most of the area around it. A few sun rays cut through the branches but the entirety of forest was still dominated by the darkness, as if the sun never existed. The sound of chirping birds echoed the surroundings and he could see eagles flying over the forest, he never experienced such anxiety and peace at the same moment. A terrific balance between beauty and dread was right in front of him.

'THERE HE IS!' - a shout came from his back.

He looked back and found a person, apparently a civilian, pointing towards him. There were police officers nearby and they quickly started approaching him. He took a huge step, hurried towards the depths of forest but got tripped by a stone and fell down. His vision started to blur, trees reduced to dust, sky turned white and everything disappeared. The white light proliferated, devouring everything and Adam saw his look-alike standing there.

'Look at you, how far you're gonna run away? People don't like you.' - the shadow spoke to him.

'Who are you? Just.. Who?' - replied Adam as he stood up in frustrated manner.

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