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The humming engine sound echoed the fuselage, the green bulb dimly lit the area and occasional metal clacking added to more ambiance. He stared at his reflection from his helmet's glass. Moments later, the bulb turned to bright red, that was his signal.

He flipped his helmet, put it on and stood up. He double checked his equipment and walked over to the rear gate. The Heads Up Display of helmet came up with the animated agency logo followed by the actual elements. He stood 7000 feet above the ground as the digits at the bottom left side of the HUD dialed up and down along the margin.

The rear door opened and the wind rushed through sending chills down his body.
"You're on!" - the pilot's voice burst through the small speaker. Without a second thought he jumped off.

His arms and legs were spread widely and he started descending on a steady pace. He pulls the cord and halted for a second as the parachute opened up.

He could see the whole city, the howls and grunts, the crash and burn of federal forces in saving the citizens, skyscrapers burning, bridges falling apart, it was worse than a warzone but the only safe zone of whatever survivors that inhabit the city.

Amongst all the awe, he spotted his landing spot. The orange atmosphere hinted that sun was about to go down and he had less time. Meanwhile the briefing from the HQ thoroughly explained what his goals were.

He touched the ground, pulled out his 9mm and carefully looked around. The shops were cluttered, vehicles crashed into each other. His peripheral vision caught an individual, his body covered with blood, striding towards him followed by another one and then a horde of them speeding towards him.

"Remember agent, no matter what, you must not let them bite you. There's nothing we can do once you're infected. Good luck." - the briefing ended with a radio static.

"Alrighty, here we go." - he pointed his weapon towards the horde.

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