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"Thank you so much for the interview, sir. It means alot to us that we get to interview a famous and people's favorite author." - the reporter seated carefully and gave a bright smile.
"You're welcome.."- the author raised his eyebrow in a questionable manner.
"Stuart. Name's stuart."- the reporter quickly replied.
"Yes, Stuart."

"Okay, so can you tell me what inspired you to become a writer?"- the reporter took out a pencil, ready to write responses on his diary. The reporter was 26, had short hair and wore a pair of glasses. The agency's card was hanging by a ribbon from his neck.

"Since childhood everyone said I thought really different, or I was too mature for my age. I never understood, so when I turned 6, I started writing poetry. From poetry to writing short stories and then novels. It's just my heart talking to people, there wasn't really an inspiration"- the author replied. He was 53, there were freckles on his cheeks and he was wearing a blazer over a grey T-shirt.

"You know, I actually gave a piece of writing to my colleague, who never really reads much stuff, and he was pretty much hooked. I mean, you are of course our favorite but.. but how do you do it?"- the reporter glanced at the author.
"It's like asking a magician, how do you do these tricks?"- the author replied with a smile followed by a chuckle. Stuart chuckled as well.

"I get it, you didn't give up on humor. That's amazing!"
"Humor keeps us alive and it's necessary!"- the author spread both of his arms.
"What I meant to ask was, how do you know what people like?"
"That's a good question. See, our generation is just sad faces caught up in their lives. We don't even sit back and think about who we are, what are we doing. I just tend to bring these infront of people. Show them what they're missing out on. A person cares more about what he'll do tomorrow while he might not even know if he will reach home safe, see where I'm getting?"
"Yes, Interesting."- the reporter wrote something down on his diary.

There was a continuous chatter for 40minutes and the reporter asked whatever he wanted to ask. Everything went as planned and then they both shook hands. The reporter left the author's house and walked towards his hatchback and started driving. After a few turns he picked up the speed. He took his cellphone out and dialed a number.
"Hey, the interview was a blast. Gotta say, I'm happy! Imagine meeting Michael B. Saintsburg, everyone's favorite!"- the reporter excitedly spoke.
"Sorry, who? The one who wrote 'Rise n Shine : Life calls you'?"- a female voice came from the speaker.
"Yes!"- the reporter replied without moving his eyes from the road.
"Did you check the news report this evening?"
"No, I kinda missed it, why?"
"Our favorite author, Michael B. Saintsburg died today."
"What? You're kidding, right? I just got an interview! I have it with me."- reporter replied in surprise.
He extended his left hand and tried to reach for the diary which was on the backseat.

He looked back for a second and suddenly a bright light flashed in front of him. There was a loud horn sound coming from a truck, and before he could even steer, there was a huge thud by a collision.

The agency was called later that night to inform that a red hatchback, completely crushed was found. A dead body of a reporter in his mid twenties was found with a diary that contained just questions. There were no answers, as if they were never written.

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