The talk after the talk

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Hetty's pov:
Gibbs has a daughter and Callen a fiancée! How didn't I know any of that! And after what just happened between Gibbs and Leon, it seems like we are not only losing him but also Mr. Callen. I know how much he always wanted a family and now that he has one, he might take Gibbs lead and quit also. He kinda already did by handing over his mark and gun. If I of just known about everything! Oh Mr. Callen, why haven't you talked to me. I would of kept your secret a secret. Why didn't you trust me enough to come to me for help.
Sam stood up and went to the nursedesk after Gibbs stormed out. When I see him getting a sheet of paper and tony also making his way over to him I knew this is not going to end well.
„Leon, may i have a word with you?" he nodded and we went to a corner away from everyone. „What the hell were you thinking!? You know how they are! Especially if it comes to family!!" sighing he looks at me. „You think i don't know that!? I'm sorry ok, I was just shocked! I never even asked him how his daughter is doing!" he says sounding upset with himself! „Let's hope he thinks about it before he does something drastic because if he really leaves, we are not only going to lose one of our top agents." I tell him while going back to the chairs. Looking over at the nurse desk where now all the agents are writing something. I really hope they don't do what I think they are! When the door opens again I see Ms. Sciuto and Mr. Callen coming our way. Without a word they hand over some papers and start heading back to the door. Mr. Hanna heads over to them Mr. DiNozzo and the rest not far behind him. Looking at the paper in my hand and the two in Leon's makes me sigh in disbelief. How could this day go so downhill!? When a phone rings I look back over to where Mr. Callen stands. Something must of happened since he suddenly took of back through the same door he came from, Ms. Sciuto right on his heels.
Not long after the door falls back closed all the agents hand over there papers, not even looking at neither me nor Leon! Bollocks!!
Looking back at Leon he looks defeated, he knows that's because of what he said and not said. Let's just hope that they let us talk to them again!

Callens pov:
Just as Sam tells me that they all are going to leave NCIS as well, my phone rings. Picking up immediately knowing that it's Gibbs. „She woke up!" is all he said and all that he needed to. Racing back to her room as fast as possible, Abby right behind me. When we finally get back I can't believe it. There she is! The love of my life, sitting on her hospital bed smiling tiredly at us! Abby began to cry all over again while running to her side. Slowly I make my way to her other side and taking her hand in mine. After Abby let's her go from her power hug again she looks me in the eyes. She looks at me with so much love that some tears leak out of my eyes again. „Don't you ever scare me like that ever again. I thought I lost you." is all that i get out in between my sobs while hugging her as close as possible without hurting her. She just wipes my tears away with her fingers while she repeats over and over again how much she loves me and how sorry she is. Looking up when we hear the door close I realize that they left us for a bit of privacy. Kissing her forehead then her nose and finally her mouth. „I missed you so much!! And after what happened today I really couldn't think straight anymore. I had no idea what I would do if I, if we had lost you!" she doesn't answer, just holds me tightly. Not letting go of me like I don't let go of her. No idea how long we kept just holding each other before a knock let's us look up. Dad, Abby and a doctor come back in. All with smiles on there faces. After some testing the doctor allows us to bring some visitors back to her room but only if they won't stress her. The reason also could of been the fact that Liz wouldn't stop asking and begging. She insisted that it's just absolutely disrespectful to let everyone outside waiting when she was feeling fine and wants to finally meet them.
That's why everyone, except Hetty and Vance are now in the small room. They look impressed at how she knows who of them is who and all their favorites, their dislikes and even some funny stories from each one. She even apologize to Sam for nearly hurting him back at the beach. She tried to explain that her body kinda reacts on instinct especially when she is close to losing consciousness. He just hugs her another time and tells her he is just happy that she is fine. To my utter shock he tells her how grateful he is to finally being able to stop the hundreds of hook up dates he tried to set me up with. Which made us all laugh, well them but as long as Liz gets to laugh I'm more than fine with it. Then she tells us the story where she had to hide in the closet for nearly two hours because Tony came to Gibbs house without him being home and decided to wait there for him. After calming down from the hysteric laughter he apologizes. „You know, if I knew you were there we could of waited together in a way cosier position." which got him a head slap not only from dad but also from me while everyone else laughed at our antics. „Hey!! I meant on the couch!" tony tells us with a grin. When the doctor comes back an hour later he tells us that we need to leave and that only one was being allowed to stay with Liz for the night.  Nodding at him he goes back out to look for his other patients. Everyone says their goodbys to us and hugs Liz once more before leaving with promises that they will come back tomorrow. Sam offered Tim, Ellie and Tony to stay with him and his family but they declined telling us that they already booked a hotel room earlier today. They instead took his offer for the lift to the hotel so we could use their car. It's kind off weird that this morning they didn't know of Liz nor of the real connection between dad/Gibbs and me, still it feels like we all knew each other forever. Even feels like our little family expanded quite some bit. Not long after, Abby and Gibbs left to my, well our house for the night since Liz was already half asleep.
That left me alone with my thoughts which kept jumping from how this day started to where we now are. And from that to the house we currently are living in. I guess Liz and I should start looking at new houses. After all this one was a gift from Hetty, it doesn't feel right to keep it without working for the NCIS anymore. Hope she won't mind us using it till we find a new one. Maybe I should call her and ask? She always was there for me and treated me good. I just hope that she knows that I didn't kept that from her because i didn't trusted her or that i quit because of her. It's just, I never had a family before I met Liz and now that I have one, i'd do everything to keep them safe.
Before thinking even deeper into everything I fish out my phone, kiss Liz on the forehead and leave the room to not wake her while talking to Hetty. It only took two rings before a very tired sounding Hetty answers. „Hey Hetty. I hope I didn't wake you." hearing her like that makes me feel like a jerk. I should of called earlier and let her come in with the rest, damn it!! „You didn't Mr. Callen. I'm still in the waiting room since I wouldn't of been able to sleep anyway." „oh! If it's alright I send someone to get you so we could talk?" asking her quite unsure of myself since I don't know if they will let her in, but I can't just leave Liz here by herself. „That would be really nice Mr. Callen." hearing the vulnerability in her usually strong voice hurts more than I ever thought possible. Ending the call just as a nurse comes down the aisle. Within seconds she went out to collect Hetty for me after promising that we are going to be quiet since her patients are already asleep.
Looking through the window to Liz's sleeping form relaxes me a bit. „You know, i wanted to tell you of her so often. It just never felt safe nor right. We only tried to keep her safe." I tell her when I feel her standing next to me. Don't waiting for her to interrupt, i keep talking without looking away from Liz face. „it wasn't that I didn't trusted you. Dad and i were just scared that the more people knew about her, the unsafer it would get. You saw us today. If Liz didn't of gotten out there alone, we wouldn't of thought twice about killing them all. When it comes to her, we stop thinking. We just do whatever is necessary to keep her happy and safe." finally removing my eyes from Liz and instead look at Hetty. I can't really read her facial expression because there are way to many emotions that are crossing through her right now. „So you kept her a secret from everyone for safekeeping?" she asks unsure which I never thought would be possible. Hetty always seems so strong but right now she looks everything but. Without thinking I hug her and breath a sight of relief when she hugs me back. „ I swear that was the only reason!" releasing our hug I saw her smile at me. „She is really pretty! Also a tough cookie, you found yourself a really good one Mr. Callen." smiling back at her, even though I would never admit it, her approval means a lot to me. „I know! i'm still surprised that you didn't found out about us before." I tell her still smiling. „Do you recognize her? She was the nurse that was always around when I got shot." she looked at me stunned! „That's why she seemed so familiar! The whole time I was trying to figure out from where I know her!!!" shaking her head she looked at me before starting to speak again. „So about all your guys resignation. Are you really sure you want that? Leon didn't meant what he said. He felt horrible right after! He even said he wouldn't accept any resignation till you all talked about it with him." I understand why she brings this up, she always tried to help me make the right decisions but this one is different. „It is the right decision, the only right one from my point of view. When I have to choose between work and family, family will always come first! Since director Vance doesn't agree on that, there won't be any way around finding a new job. I'm sorry Hetty, I really am." she looks proudly at me and touches my arm. „I'm very proud that you stand with your family. Still, I don't think Leon meant any of that. He even said he wouldn't of acted any other way then you and Gibbs did. A conversation between you guys couldn't hurt don't you think? Think about it, talk to the rest of your family and see what they have to say about it. Now, it's late, I should let you get back to your fiancée. I wish you a good night sleep Mr Callen." with that said she turns around and went to leave. „And Mr. Callen, I really hope you didn't thought of returning your house keys!" looking confused after her before I go back to the love of my life to rest up for the night.

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