New job

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Liz's pov:
Slowly opening my eyes I feel Cal still holding me tightly to his chest. I love how we seem to always fall a sleep like that, cuddled up so close. Trying to get out of bed without waking him is a pretty tough task, but I manage, at least most of the time. Just as I flip the last pancake Cal pulls me into a hug from behind. „Why did you leave the bed?" he whines. Smiling at him and tell him to set the table. Taking the last pancake off the stove and take them out to the table with some berries and some honey. Cal had already brought his coffee and my hot cocoa out.
After our delicious breakfast he had to leave for work. I quickly washed up the dishes and then went to make a phone call. The last week I thought of working for NCIS a chance. They were the only ones who weren't bombarding me with their job offers, they accepted my request of some time to think about it and i know what Hetty had done for Cal and he trusts her.
She picked up her phone after the second ring. I asked if the offer was still out there, now that I'm pregnant I wasn't sure it would still be. Hearing her laugh over the phone makes me release a breath I didn't even know I was holding. „The job offer is still out, may I ask if that means that you are taking the offer Ms. Gibbs?" smiling slightly at her hopeful tone. „That is what i was calling for, I would really like to take the job." I answer her. „I'm very pleased to hear that Ms. Gibbs! When would you like to start?" she asks, even though I am pretty sure she already knows the answer. „As soon as i'm allowed to." I answer with a big smile. I really missed working with other people and not just alone behind a laptop. „I assumed that would be your answer Ms. Gibbs. You really are a lot like your father and fiancé. If it is alright with you, you could start tomorrow or even today if you prefer. I'm guessing you want to surprise you fiancé with your new work, he and his team are out at the moment so if you like, you could slip in right now." Hetty tells me and I clearly hear her mischievousness and smile. „Ok, then i'm coming over in about 30 minutes. Oh and Hetty, thank you!" I say and hang up before packing a bag with some leftovers from yesterday, my laptop, wallet and my phone.
Smiling brightly I take an Uber to their headquarters and make my way straight to Hetty. She just put down her teakettle when I come into her office. „Ms. Gibbs, please take a seat. I hope you don't mind going over the paperwork before you can get up to ops." she hands me  a cup of tea while talking. Smiling at her in thanks for the beverage. „Thank you! Of course not!" it didn't took as long as I thought it would, which of course be because technically I don't even need a contract with my high secure status but who cares. Afterward Hetty brings me up to ops to show me where I could put my stuff and also officially introduce me as a new coworker to Erik and Nell. They got over their shock pretty quick and welcomed me with open arms into their little „geek club".
„Why didn't Callen tell us you were coming to work with us? We would of prepared for you!" Nell asks a bit annoyed that Cal hadn't informed them. „Well, that's because he doesn't know I work here now." I smile cheekily at her. Nell and Erik look at each other before smiling. „So you mean beside Hetty we are the first to know?" Erik asks nearly euphoric at finally knowing something before the field agents knew. Nodding at them, well I mean dad knows of course but he doesn't need to know that information. Especially not when he seems so happy about being the first to get informed. I set up my space on the left of the room, kinda hidden when you come through the doors. They tried to get me into the middle of the room but I feel more comfortable here. From this position I could see everything and everyone in here without being seen. Smirking at that! Nell and Erik tap away on their computer when I hear a few feet rushing up the stairs but it seems as if the two didn't hear them as they jumped up when Cal, Sam, Kensi and Deeks rush in. Hearing them giving instructions on what they need them to look up on the computer. Before the two even turn around in their chair I already put up the information they wanted and rush of what was important about them and what wasn't. The 6 of them look like I grew a second head, did I do something wrong? They wanted the infos so why are the looking at me like that.
(Kursiv foreign language)
„Liz? What are you doing here? Did they ask for help?" cal asks which got him weird looks as well. I went up to him and give him a quick peck. „Hetty offered me a job and after thinking about it I decided to take it. Is that ok for you?"  he hugs me tightly before nodding at me. „course that's ok for me! I hoped you would take it but I wanted to make sure you wanted it yourself and not because of me!" taking his hand he pulls me to the others who still looked at us strangely. „Ok, did anyone understand what they said?" Deeks ask Sam in particular. Since everyone shook their heads Deeks sighs frustrated. „You really need to stop doing that all the time! It's so not fair! I'm going to learn a language you all don't know so you can see how annoying that his!" he huffed when everyone laughs at his outburst. „I told him that today is my first day officially working for NCIS! Happy?" i ask him. „You what? Why didn't anyone tell us?" after explaining it shortly i get their attention back to work. They wanted some details about one of the suspects but Nell nor Erik could find anything. I got back to my hiding place to do some illegal looking. It didn't took long before i have his whole background checked out. Pulling the details at the huge monitor Erik looks at me with an open mouth. „How do you do those things?" he asked stunned. Just shrugging at him doesn't seem to be enough answer for him since he keeps looking at me. Ignoring him for a while and see if there is any connection between the suspect and the victim. When I found some evidence that the two were old school mates, I try to see if there is a reason for them becoming rivals. „Apparently the victim wanted to sue the suspect for stealing one of his old sniper rifle. Did you guys found a sniper riffle in his apartment? it seems like a strange coincidence that the victim got shot now from a sniper, don't you think?" I ask them. They head out again to search the suspects house, maybe he was dumb enough to keep it after he murdered the victim.
The case was closed pretty fast after they indeed find the riffle. I'm happy that worked out so good because that means I could heat up my packed lunch. Just as I went to get my first fork full Cal took it for himself. What does he think he is doing. Looking at him hatefully he gives it back and even apologizes. Never take away food from a pregnant woman! No one should ever do that, ok only if they have a death wish! Abby's words not mine.
When it was time to go home my eyes were exhausted from all the computer work but still I felt really happy. I feel like we archived something today.
Not wanting to go home just yet I decided to head into the gym for maybe a bit of a workout, the doctor said it wouldn't harm the baby so that was good.

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